Who were the World War II code talkers?
Correct answer: Native Americans using their native language.

We owe them so much.

that's freaking brilliant. and thank you, of course

My father was squad leader in communcations unit for the 6th Marines Div. in the Pacific. His unit was in 5 first wave invasions, and many of his war stories included the Navajo brave and his bodyguard. I new this 50 years ago should have written a story about it

Thank you Navajo Talkers for your invaluable service. God bless you all.

Player Darius
RushMama2112, How true. Our native amercians are very much under appreciated.

RushMama2112, you are right. native Americans don't get nearly enough credit for their contributions.

Player #3906185
beach1961, Thank you for allowing or son to serve. Thank him for his service. I am glad that he received his medal at last. It angers me that he didn't receive it at the time.

Player #19719147
Code talkers primarily used Navaho because there's no written form of it. Only way to learn it is from someone who speaks it. Big FU to the Nazi and axis forces!

I never knew this how wonderful they were

Player #25947340
There's a great statue dedicated to the Navajo code talkers in Phoenix at the corner of Thomas and Central. It is a sweet tribute to those who bravely participated in winning the war.

Player #92723922
WINDTALKERS, a movie with Nicholas Cage. It's about Navajo native speakers (code talkers) who fought alongside the Marines in WW2.
Terrific movie!

The reason most info like this seems unknown is that top secrets like the code talkers are not declassified immediately at the end of war. Most countries wait 50 years then release the information without fanfare.

The US used Native American code talkers in WWI from six different tribes, but Navajo was chosen for WWII because it has no written form. The Japanese had no idea what language they were hearing.

Player #25947340, This still isn’t enough!!!

Unsung heroes!

Ironic that governments that so readily & systematically attempted to strip Native Americans of their culture, including languages, & gay people of their dignity, then were so willing to use them in service during war time & now are in debt to them for victory. Maybe we should respect differences from the beginning & not just when at war.

Canadagirl, Thank you for identifying the Navajo!!

Really apt picture 🤦🏽♀️

RushMama2112, We do! I never knew they were also used in WWI. That's amazing. Thank you all, so much!!

Player #38618593
Brilliant strategy, courageous men. Let's always remember and honor them.

I’m shocked to know this! I thought that the first time American natives were used as code talkers was in WWII. The movie Windtalkers opened eyes to the real truth in how the US won the Pacific engagement! But to find out that they were actually used in WWI and not be recognized for their achievements is an American travesty!

Pop, does not matter what division of military-they did fantastic

Player #3906185, me too.

My brother-in-law was in a submarine and did this but was not an American Indian.

IrksomeHorse331, there is a movie about it-believe ot is called, "Code Talkers" and with Nicholas Cage.

Player #47520708
IrksomeHorse331, Never too late. Write it now

Player #36830229
And today, we discriminate against native American

Player #49699886
The Native people have given more than was given to them. The code talkers saved many of lives in World War 2 because the code was never broken.

Player #14816407
IrksomeHorse331, It's not too late.

We Choctaws were part of the code talkers.

Player #21735885
considering their huge contribution what did the American government repaid them I ask you?

Cross Stitch
RushMama2112, this isn't very accurate. Navajo, 29 of them, developed the code. It wasn't just their language but coded Navajo. I just read the only book written by an actual Codetalker.

Player #26129643
Bita🥀, The movie "Code Talkers" with Nicolas Cage.

wind talkers the movie starring nic cage was made based on this fact.

That last statement is wrong. The Navajo Code Talkers as they were called, were U.S. Marines! Not Army.

Sully Girl
wow, this is good information, I didn't know and its so unfair that its not common knowledge. why don't they teach this in school

Player #37205077
A huge thank you to the Native Americans. As RushMama2112 said “We owe them so much.”

Guillermo Jr.
Ha! take THAT Dolfie!

Jo Jo
IrksomeHorse331, never too late