Which island is famous for having cats with no tails?
Correct answer: Isle of Man

I have one laying next to me on the sofa. Great cats!

'a self-governing crown dependency' or as we like to call it, here in the UK...a tax haven for the rich

Walking Admiral
They think it may have originally occurred from a form of Spina bifida. There are rumpies and stumpies. the stumpies having the start of a tail

I've had manx cars
my ex raised them for a long while
they are aggressive (playfully)
as nd believe me you know when a manx is pissed
they are 100% cat

penawareof, we had a male Manx for 17 years, best cat ever

Poor cats, no tail to chase.

Player #27677088
munchkin1300, I like to call it home and it isn't only a tax haven for the rich..

Player #4395928
what a sin. I love both cats and dogs. having no tail isn't right....@all!

l know it isn't SKYE because thats where l live and l have never seen a taiĺess cat

I've had several Manx cats. Great cats. And walking admiral is probably correct. Some Manx (though none over mine were) can be fecaly incontinent

We call it no such thing here in the UK

Player #120374466
Guillermo, Munchkin was just sharing some interesting facts. There's more to the island than Bobtail cats, I'm sure.

Player #120374466
Player #27677088, How can the island be self governing yet dependent on Britain?

Player #120374466
Walking Admiral, The picture of the cat looks like to be a "rumpy"

once again a animal changed just so a human can gain money from it

I had a female Manx who was a "Rumpy" Manx meaning that she had absolutely no tail, even a slight indentation. Manx cats that have a nubbin of a residual tail are called "Stumpys".

zenni ☮
Player #4395928, they were born that way. Nobody chopped off their tails.

hope someday i could have one...

BADSANTA0059, Is a manx car one without a tailgate? 😂

Tur D'ferguson
man, that's weird

BADSANTA0059, that's a car without a tail pipe ... just sayin

munchkin1300, this is a question about cats.. not politics

Player #5100533
Being a NON cat lover, that was a bit of information that I did not know. But, to late now, I know something new.

Player #27337815
The cats are very interesting to know that they do not have a tail at all. They are very nice and cute.

OptimisticFrog17914, AMEN!

Player #4820803
munchkin1300, you know jack

Player #4355392, kittens love to chase the tails of others

Player #353695, they don't need tails to scratch and bite

Canis Lupus
gigigirl4u, If you are breeding cats and have gone above 34, you are over your limit. There are so many cats in shelters who desperately need homes.

Player #4355392
penawareof, dogs chase their tails, not cats.

OptimisticFrog17914, Manx is an actual mutation gene for every 34th kitten born from same parents.
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TinyPterodactyl2506, me too

the Lethal Gene bit I find fascinating. built-in anti-inbreeding.