Who was the founder of the Standard Oil trust?
Correct answer: John D. Rockefeller

It isn't much different, today. The lowest bidder gets the job. Unfortunately, it doesn't always meet quality standards.

I wish we could do something with these big corporations like Rockfeller and Soros, who are misusing the assets.

John D Rockefeller is pure evil. He is solely responsible for big pharma and removing all plant based natural medicines and remedies from being taught in medical schools and used to help ppl heal. Search up his pharmaceutical history, as well as the rest of his family and their negative influence and control on humanity.

Rockefella stopped at nothing to protect his business... killing torture burning the properties of any upstart oil companies..

Player #4071088
DiamondSage36256, electric cars mean bigger holes.

* Seshati *
Uninitialized, so do I, so do I

Player #4071088, actually at the time tesla the scientist, live in Manhattan NY, or was on his way to living there and becoming an inventor of AC electricity.

LaLaNYC, he had help from Randolph Hurst. newspaper owner and millions of acres of forest, and best friend with the head of the newly FBI.

jay w, I’m glad you are awake, my friend. Stay well. Xo

Player #25874027
Thought the biggest backhander won .

missy189, they are still a monopoly today... thank goodness for electric cars