A boomslang is a type of which kind of animal?
Correct answer: Snake

Okay, I consider myself moderately well informed. The boomslang, apparently, has been a hole in my knowledge - dispite me hearing about boomslang skin prominently as an ingredient of Polyjuice potion in the Harry Potter magical universe. I think that because of the fantasy elements of J. K. Rowling's creation, I just assumed that boomslang was a fictional, magical creature. Wow, was I wrong about that!

The Fabz, yes a boomslang is highly venomous. Here in South Africa, we have a large amount of highly venomous snakes. Some of them are the boomslang, black mamba, night adder, puffadder, spitting cobra and many more.

Player #31034244
“3-5 feet in total length (including tail)”??? If not including tail, then what else would a snake be? The length of the head?

mick dundee
Colette, we have a few in Australia too :)

Being Dutch really helped on this one

I guess we can be glad that this species of snakes is restricted to just a small area in Africa.

Somehow I knew the magnifying glass fit a snake.

Player #128057
QuackingTank2311, well thats very rude, each to their own opinion, thats what democracy us all about.

Player #10639782
it just sounds like a snake name

it seemed to be the only logical answer. never heard of them.

Colette, mick dundee - Here in England, I am glad to say, we don't have those horrible creatures you speak of! Even watching "Death on the Nile" & the cobra in the film rearing itself up & hissing to strike, fills you with dread!! What horrible creatures!

I knew about Boomslangs being snakes from a Stephen King short story I read when I was a teenager. In Autopsy Room Four- a Peruvian Boomslang bite caused the character to be paralyzed and seem dead, so he was conscious and aware but immobile as he was about to be autopsied. 😅 (I'm not sure if this specific type of Boomslang actually exists or is fictional).

I got this from remembering that Razer mice are named after snakes and they had a Boomslang model in the early 2000s.

Player #66817220
Arohanui, I pity those four countries.

Player #66817220
Nannad, you're right. Blackadder took place much earlier than that.

Player #50531971
Player #128057, um, no, democracy is simply one person, one vote. that's it. there's nothing that requires respecting opinions. especially the ludicrous ones.

DaveGundërsen, That is where I knew it from as well. It helped me figure out the most logical answer.

yes highly venomous, but back fanged so you would have to offer it your finger to get a bite unless you put your hand into a pile of grass etc. it hangs out in trees so thats not likely..... its also territorial so not easy to relocate unless its a very far location. we had one hang out on a tree outside our bedroom window. it lived in a tree. it climbed in

The Fabz, snakes are classified according to their venom.

We have many venomous snakes here in Australia, but there is a difference between the most venomous and the most dangerous which alot of people don't realise.

mendel 234
boomslang (dispholidus typus) is a timid, but poisonous snake. its venom is supposed to contain a hemotoxin, causing it's victims to bleed to death (both internal and external bleeding)

Tim Megabrain
In a book called "the death freak" one of the assassins used boomslang venom to kill.

DaveGundërsen, transynaptic education

Player #18033123, neither did Jim Stafford

mick dundee
DaveGundërsen, can't believe everything you read :) I knew about it and not seen one Harry potter movie or read one book

I knew the answer because of a short story by Steven King, can't recall the title.

In the UK we only have one that is a venomous snake, the Adder and in over 50 years I have never come across one...

Player #13638634
Much better if they have the answers picture.. 🤔

Player #8008224gato
Jo, snowsnakes <joke>

Player #9043571
DaveGundërsen, thank you Harry potter I too thought this was a magical creature

MALICE, yes and the antidote has a very short shelf life

Kiddienurse 84
ellavision1, do you live in Antarctica? ☺️