A lamprey is a type of which animal?
Correct answer: Fish

sounds like a large leech

Princess 'M'
I remember watching a program on tv (awhile back); mentioning that King Henry I overindulged in eating these right up until his death (against orders from his physicians). I sure could overindulge in eating my beloved lobsters..and crabs..and scallops..and oysters..and.. .. well, you know what I mean... lol

Montana Lady
If you don't know what they look like, you should really do a Google search. It's definitely worth it!

SpookyCoder3058, are you serious or nah? cuz fish are definitely animals homie.

SpookyCoder3058, The five most well known classes of vertebrates (animals with backbones) are mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians.

SpookyCoder3058, animal kingdom is all living creatures, it then divides into class and phylum

Have you seen them? People will eat just about anything.

Just searched to see what they look like enough to give you nightmares haha

icurn54, related to MAGAts - thrive in red states and areas of unusually low IQs

Dogs R Filthy
If Satan exists. It's another one of his underwater horrorshow creations.
Above water it's olives and pedophiles.

Excuse the Kuz
Sounds like a perfectly disgusting fish.

I learned about some fish 🐟.

There was a creature in an episode of the X-Files that had a mouth just like a lamprey. Nightmares are made of this.

I just did a Google search! I won't be sleeping tonight!

Princess 'M', and clams nut not oysters.

Princess 'M', Yes, I am with you. what a way to go.....

icurn54, so did my second wife..

Player #19474516
icurn54, pretty much...

Player #13988246
didn't get to get my second chance and had picked the one of that lets you pick two

Lampreys sound alot like entertainment and sports agents.

Beverley Australia
Princess 'M', I don’t eat fish or sea food. Like it eating a snake or worms
But my daughter and sons do

They are very ugly and almost like a snake. Parasitic-type of fish that attach to the host by a mouth that looks like a sucker.

Player #5100533
icurn54, Back in the Roman times. Emperor's would keep a small pool full of them, and throw a person that they didn't like in the pool just for entertainment, to watch them getting eaten alive by the lampreys.

ADITYA, Hagfish produce so much protective slime that they can choke their predators to death.

Princess 'M', A "serfiet of lamprey"

they are cyclostomes(jawless fishes).they are not true fishes.
hagfish is another cyclostome.

What would snails or Gooeyducks be classified? These sound the same.

Player Elf Council
icurn54, And it looks like one. I remember one of our teachers brought one into class and by lunchtime it had stretched several times around the jar. Horrible. No way could I ever eat one.?

Player #3998555, breathe. Relax. Take a Xanax if you need to. There's no reason why we wouldn't believe you. It's not like you're in Congress.

constantgamer0421, No actually. It's not an eel.

Player #3998555
im with u on that bon appetite

Player #3998555
finger hit wrong answer(i know u dont believe me however its true)

a lamp Rey is

nicolai 4
Its like i have a rabbit but jow is it nor correct?!

OnerousBarbarian2025, there are two big groups - vertebrates with backbones divided into those 5 groups already mentioned - and all the rest, including all those you mentioned, are invertebrates, animals without backbones. :)

SonorousBeam4656, then they must be plant or animal, right?