Which two foods are mentioned in the theme song of the U.S. sitcom "Frasier"?
Correct answer: "Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs"

Cher, millennial here and I have seen every episode of Frasier... although I'm sure many of my friends preferred MTV. =P
GREAT cast and writing. Loved the arc between Niles and Daphne.

Grandma Beeba
GrimSpace481, I'm sorry. It's actually quite an intelligent show, it doesn't pander the audience with stupidity.

Player #1444452
I too am a millennial and I too have seen every episode of Frasier. I use to watch it when I was about 12 yrs old when the reruns would come on public TV. I learned the word "Metrosexual " from Niles 😊.

Frasier has left the building

Loved the father so much.

I never saw it the first time, but I remembered it and watched the entire series on Netflix. handy streaming service. I was around to see cheers when it first started, (Fraser Crane started out as a guest star and was so popular he became a member of the cast til the show ended).

2ndoffour 0,
it is intelligent and is a satire of life especially Pompous bigots...try it again with an open mind.

One of the funniest shows on t.v. I've ever seen.

Absolutely Love This Show, Grew Up Watching Kelsey Grammar On Cheers, Christopher Loyd
All The Cheers Characters Play A Role In This And Make An Appearance (Some Of Them More Than Once)

I love this show, but honestly think the whole family is a hot mess; not the patients!

Love this show and have been watching it on my lunch break. I also watch the new version of Frasier.

The dog in Frazier is actually Fraziers dog in real life .

I truly appreciate this information. I've been trying to understand the meaning of Frasier theme song for years!!

I had no idea, seeing that I've never watched an episode, so asked my wife and like usual she's correct again.

never seen a single episode

Tossed salad! 🤣🤪. Couple of meanings there.

The Chaser
Used to work nights in the hospital. Hallmark Channel always had this on in the middle of the night during my lunch breaks. Always provided me with a good laugh.

farmgirly, love Kelsey , very interesting and talented man indeed,,

they're calling again 🎶

I watched this streamed this show for a solid year. I learned a lot.

I watched every episode of Frasier and a binge over a couple of weeks and then I did it again

farmgirly, born 1983 and I absolutely love this show... regularly makes me laugh until I cry!!!

I watched every episode also. I almost got headaches watching Niles and Daphne interacting. Glad they finally got together. Too bad Fraizer did not really find the love he deserved. Or did he? Great show all in all.

Player #32571360
dont get in I'm only 12

Guillermo Jr.
I always wondered about that!! thanks!

Player #19036389, they still show reruns on Cozi TV

Player #23444274
Paula, too smart for you

The Taxman
most excellent!

Player #19036389
my absolute favorite show of all time. I could watch it everyday for eternity!

Mary J.
what's bad about sitcoms is the laugh tracks, but I did like Frasier.

Player #14816407
I am a boomer and have seen every episode dozens of times. Great writing, intillevtial references with sharp humor. An ensemble cast with true chemistry. Hope they can do it justice and entertain us again.

I’ve watched all Frazier seasons on Netflix several times and still can’t get enough of that tv program. Just before I started playing this game a rerun of it was on tv. One of the best tv shows ever!!! I liked the dad Martin..and his dog Eddie...actually they were all excellent.

Great show, they didn't dumb down the humor.

Player #7899455
Sometimes the song would end with "..scrambled eggs all over my face. What is a boy to do", but it wasn't there every time, just randomly.
So I always thought tossed salads and scrambled eggs were sexual innuendos... because one of those things is, so I thought the other one must be too. 🤷♀️

Love "Fraiser". Working on watching the whole series before Dec 31st when it ends on Netflix.

Player #9628465
I watch it on Netflix. I didn't watch it the first time around because I didn't care for Cheers. I agree that the cast and writing is great.

Queen Lynn
I have enjoyed every episode of Frasier.

never cared for that show

That Girl
Hey Baby I hear the blues are calling tossed a salads and scrambled eggs. Mercy...