Who was the first 'Rock and Roll' star to be arrested on stage?
Correct answer: Jim Morrison

I thought he got arrested for exposing himself on stage.

The one and only lizzard king

Player #5920261
LittleDucky52, I find it kind of peculiar that Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin all passed at the young age of 27. They were all talented and exceptional musicians. What a great loss, huh?

It's funny to me how I'd it was an everyday person the cop wouldn't have apologized but because he is of star status it makes it ok to do lewd and obnoxious things. If you have a certain name or status you can get away with anything. The Clinton name comes to mind.

Player #1027355
Loved the Doors. So ahead of their time

Player #5920261, ryguy79
Oddly too you can add Cobain to the dead at 27 rockstar club

Why should he have been exempt from obeying the law because he was a rock star.

Mr mojo risin

Morrison was arrested in March 1969 in Miami-Dade County for indecent exposure. It's never been proven that he actually exposed himself during a concert. He did shout obscenities at the audience.

WiseWoman, another musician with an ego bigger than his talent, but he is in good company.

Add Amy Winehouse to the "died in this group" as well.

penawareof, I think that happened in Florida.

We can comment in this game?!

Martin Casey
Player #5920261, I know Amy Winehouse & Kurt Cobain were also only 27 when they passed (V.Strange)

ViscousBathroom6, ha ha ha.Thats what I thought lol

Player #120374466
Roadhog, Drug culture is still going strong 50 plus years later.

Player #120374466
Player #5920261, They sacrificed their minds and life over their addiction to drugs. Product of the 60s revolution.

Player #5920261, Don’t forget Amy Whinehouse was 27 as well

He was an extraordinary boy and man. Very tragic how he lost it in the end. I don’t think he wanted to die. It was a simple mistake and poor judgment.

Miss Lisa,
A man after my own heart.
“I’m no ordinary man. No, no, no”

Player #5920261, there are a few more names
Bix Beiderbecke-jazz cornet player
Amy Winehouse - singer

Mars V
Player #5920261, They weren’t the only ones who died at 27.

why do people have to bring politics to a question about Jim Morrison? so f'n rude this isn't about politics

what does the questioner mean by "making out" and "acting out"? Please remember that this quiz is popular around the world, and not everyone speaks American dialect.

Was he above the law, why did it matter he wasn’t recognised

Probably arrested for either exposing himself or having a little problem with drugs...Either one of the two...

Chris RN
K O T K, Or ‘The Donald.’

sublime, and Amy Winehouse

jeff, the Arkansas state Police where bills Pimps

Player #5920261, Don't forget about Amy Winehouse. She was also 27 and a great talent.

Waldo Lydeker
The most visited necropolis in the world, Pere Lachaise in Paris, has people buried there whose last name is enough: Chopin, Piaf, Proust, Melies, Bernhardt, and.....Morrison? Van? Oh, Jim. Oh, okay, well, he is in world-class company anyway.

penawareof, that came later

jeff, 😂

Jim Morrison was a little bit arrogant. The cop didn't know who he was and was just treating him like anybody else. I don't think the cop should have apologized bc once he realized that he was dealing with a celebrity.

penawareof, I thought so too.

Player #24663569
Player #5920261, also Kurt Cobain.

A baaaaad boy an though he was great on his tunes, it was his drugs he was doing. Baaaaad for 'em.🙃😕

Security for the band? How ironic 😭🤣

Pasture League
Player Tystyx, that was s little rude

Player #1532367
sublime, and Amy Winehouse