Which island in the Arctic is Canada and Denmark in dispute over?

Correct answer: Hans Island

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Ha Ha! Good sense of humour.
Player #1489294
Player #1489294
In a situation like this both countries involved do have a nice relationship over that space. It is better than a bitter struggle !
Republic of China
Republic of China
They officially resolved the dispute in late June 2022 now
Player #48458
Player #48458
LaContessa, its incredible that these two countries are disputing over a tiny piece of land.
Player Dave Wheeldon, yes but Argentina invaded the Falklands and people had lived there for centuries, Argentina was claimed by the Spanish Falklands the British what's the difference?
Player Dave Wheeldon
Player Dave Wheeldon
a lot better way of doing things. ? unlike the British Falkland Islands !!!!!