What was the name of the female ape that rescued the infant Tarzan and raised the human baby as her own?

Correct answer: Kala

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #48458
Player #48458
Tarzan is a cool story I always enjoyed it. I also like mowgli by Rudyard Kipling I like the idea of talking animals. Hollywood made them look very real
I loved the Tarzan books and as an adult have collected every book Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote. He was quite a writer and had an amazing imagination.
Bomboklat 2019
Bomboklat 2019
Notatroll, fun fact 2: kala in Hungarian is a flower ))
such beautiful stories! I've never tired of them!
Player #7842981
Player #7842981
Daybonn, I have all the books too. read them with my dad when I was young. loved them
Player #52565397
Player #52565397
Bomboklat 2019, Kala in Hindi, Sanskrit and many other Indian languages means Art.
Player #38208286
Player #38208286
Since I was a kid I've been waiting for a movie that will be able to live up to those books. Unfortunately, this will never be the case because, even with the modern CGI, they still avoid Tarzan's childhood and life with the apes.