Who was traveling with the Kennedys when JFK was shot?

Correct answer: John Connally

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
Great info from Connelly which I hadn't heard from before. Horrific tradegy and loss.
we were sent home from school-i was in kindergarten-my mom and Gramma were crying and the phones were dead-the trunk lines were overwhelmed with calls which really scared everyone-then little john-john saluting the flag covered coffin broke our hearts again
We all have vivid memories of that awful day. I recall seeing many cars pulled over with drivers and passengers crying. I was coming home from school already knowing what happened in the sixth-grade. Never forget how horrible that was, being from Boston made it so much worse.
what a great loss to the USA and we still do not know who shot Kennedy.
"...then he heard the third and final shot..." - Well, that disproves the Warren Commission's official report of a single bullet doing all the damage. CIA did it, folks. Kennedy was going to pull out of Vietnam after a ten year U.S. Military buildup. He signed the pull-out. Within 24 hours after he became President, Johnson reversed it. Vietnam here we come!
Angel Smith, i too loved John F. Kennedy. i was devastated when he was killed. Years later I learned what a womanizer he was and how many other presidents cheated. Makes me sad. i thought presidents were above reproach.
Strange how Kennedy's assassin was killed in custody. Then his assassin died within six months after
Kennedy has his faults (don't we all?), but he was a patriot & war hero. An effective & inspiring leader. Bay of Pigs debacle was a grave error in judgement on his part.
WaldoLydeker, I know you're correct...it had always been covered up!
TenseDragon91145, he was a fall guy a ruse if you will...that's why he was then murdered so he couldn't be pressured to reveal the truth.
Player #130998363
Player #130998363
RFK Jr says his dad RFK and JFK were CI A hits
I was 10 years old, and school let out early, I remember running home, and the sky was so dark 😫 when I got home my mom was home crying 😒
I visited Dealey Plaza and the 6th Floor Museum 30 years later, in 1993. Everything felt much the same as in the Zapruder film. It was eerie; the place felt lost in time.
olivia, Or the CIA.
Lady Lola
Lady Lola
Smart man in 1973!
missy189, I love your remark, I just see all the negative,thumbs down, and I want to….not sure what…but what a great man and great legacy that he left. The negative people should MOVE!!
CyanIguana55951, me too in finding out they were human, and not as pedestal worth, as I believed.
missy189, Yes it embarrasses me to be from Austin because of the horrific assassination.
Katy Jo
Katy Jo
Tex Patriot, This is news! Thanks!
For those of you who have wondered all these years about the JFK assassination. Read, " Who killed JFK, the case against LBJ" ( he had the most to gain from JFK's demise)
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
missy189, It would behoove everyone to go to Dallas and take a look for themselves. I visited the book depository and looked out of the "window". I stood, in the middle of the street, on the exact spot where the Prez. was shot. I believe there is a marker in the roadway? I also stood on the very place where the film was made. Last but not least, I walked up the "grassy knoll", and looked over the wooden fence. Nothing but miles of open, get away, space. The true story was supposed to be released 50 years in the future? 1963+50=2013 We're still waiting.
Suekirider, I'm also born in 1957 and was in kindergarten at the time.
Player #8957643
Player #8957643
UltravioletTRex49909, yes we do. it was FBI.
Player #8957643
Player #8957643
DistressedHunter8576, I also was living in Mass at the time in elementary school.
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Wonder why he switched to being a Republican.
Player #31661102
Player #31661102
I always remember the photo Jackie in her pink suit on the back of the car.πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
Player #9374174
Player #9374174
I was only 3yrs old but I never forget how it fe
Player #18595150
Player #18595150
It was "A Nightmare on Elm Street"
Tex Patriot
Tex Patriot
WaldoLydeker, LBJ signed the order cancelling the issuing of federal green backs instead of federal reserve bank notes on the plane. Follow the money trail. the families in charge of the federal reserve do not want it to stop.
Player #14701708
Player #14701708
Some say Jack Ruby killed Oswald for the mob because of the Marilyn Monroe connection
mammy1027, I was in kindergarten then too (1957 birthdays). I remember getting out of school early too. I remember my Mom was sitting on her bed with a hooded hair dryer on her head in front of the T.V., crying. Very sad!!!
Player #8364951
Player #8364951
DistressedHunter8576, I was in the 6th grade too and I can recall it as if it happened yesterday. My brother was two years younger than me and was so scared he left school and ran home.
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
UltravioletTRex49909, A sharp-shooter by the grassy knoll shot and killed President Kennedy. It was a coverup by the FBI.
Player #107534
Player #107534
Player #MinnieLuv, you are so so so right!!!!!
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
What a conspiracy the government set Kennedy up for a turkey shoot!😞
WaldoLydeker, so Kennedy was the only pres who's ever done anything the CIA didn't like?
Player AutumnWind33
Player AutumnWind33
I was an infant when JFK was assassinated but getting to know who he was and what he stood for made me love him and I realized what a huge loss it was.