With which Indian city was Mother Theresa associated?
Correct answer: Calcutta

Laudy Miss Claudy
Xalver, What you say is not true. Mother Teresa rescued the dying from the streets of Calcuta and cared for them without regard to their religion in their last days. She was a saintly woman and that is why she was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Watch Hitchens documentary on her!

Roberta Ann
I was fortunate to have met Saint Mother Teresa in person. She was so tiny - Only about 4'11"!! It's amazing all that she accomplished in her life. I truly admire her. She helped the poor die with dignity.

Player #41081547
Roberta Ann, Yes I worked for her East Africa orphanage for a while and met with her more than half a dozen times. Have memorable moments captured in photographs. She was such kind and compassionate soul.

I volunteered at mother Teresa's orphanage in Tanzania. She's there with us for many months & she was so kind to me. I truly liked her

Calcutta is former name of Kolkata in India's West Bengal bordering Bangladesh

Player #41081547, Wow! You are truly blessed to have
met her!!

2nd time getting this question btw love from INDIA

Tina's twin
moonlit, you would be doing us all a big favor if you would educate yourself before you "spoke".

l answered this question in previous level and this is 2time

2nd time I had this question!

# proud to be an Indian

Player #10628065
One of my favorite people.

you use this question too much

had this question yesterday.

Player #5853410 Alex
Player #4209348Roths, that's because they apparently run out of questions 🤔

Player #4209348Roths
repeat question

Left people to suffer and die in squalor even though she received millions from the likes of Fidel Castro and many much worse world dictators who she was friends with. Not deserving of praise.

One of my 5 favorite people in the world.

bluejay191919, you are correct!

Her name should be spelled Teresa.