How long is the average human digestive tract?
Correct answer: 30 feet

Boi o Boi
Why not put it in metric too?! I knew the answer in meters but had no idea how many feet it was

Picaron Of Hillfar
did you know, if you joined all your nerves together and stretched 'em round the world, you'd die.

Dianna Bella74
Gee if my mother was alive Id be letting her know she gave me the wrong answer to that question 40 years ago. Oh my goodness I've been telling people it was 20 feet cause that what she said, and she was a registered nurse. Oh well she was extremely great at her job. God bless her heart 50 years serve an 10 feet of bowel off I think all is forgiven. Rip mum.

Okay, folks, are you all writing this down? I am cause I ain't gonna remember - and I want to remember. We are all getting a liberal arts education here. Don't rush through, absorb, digest.

Player #18878443
2 words: metric system

Epicflow Project MGMT
we need metric numbers too. People who use metric usually have no idea how much 30ft or 168lb is?

Player spacecowboy🤠
that's why we need to eat massive amounts of fiber to stay healthy, unlike a straight carnivore like a timber wolf which has a two or three foot intestine.

I am an RN and used to work doing endoscopy.. I have seen the insides of thousands of them..

Player #25874027
Epicflow Project MGMT,
You’re wanting the whole nine yards.

MissMuffin, no, there's also inches, yards, and miles

Agree having the details in metric as well would be very useful as that is what most of the world now uses, I miss using feet and inches now.
I am in New Zealand , we went metric in the 1960s.

Boi o Boi, me too.

I've heard in the past that it's the length of a football pitch... which is much longer than 30 foot. Anyone else heard this?

Maybe answers could state also the metric length. Feet means nothing to 90% of the worlds population

the answer depends on the source you reference. Poor wording of the question.

On time
1 meter is 3.3ft…..
we need to eat fiber and more protein to sustain the muscles and stay healthy

Mack, why should they learn if they don't use the other reference system

Player #18878443, 3 words —- work it out

90% of the world population uses the metric system. Providing only imperial should not be acceptable.

I don't know feet

1337Kiwi, not always true, be careful.

please make sure your questions/answers are also in metrics, when it comes to measurements, since it is the most used (and most logical) system used in the world

Player #26129643
Mario Suedi, yes, I counted 5 in the intro, and then subdivisions of 2 of the 5 given. A straightforward listing of the 8 sections was teased but not delivered.

Player #29438397
Picaron Of Hillfar, 😅

can you do it in the metric system as well?

Player #39095065
please use metric system like 95% of humans :)

Use both metric and anachronistic systems next time...

quicksilver, and the jejenum which is immediately before the ileum. I know because I had a tumour removed from there last year.

average human only has two feet, but their bowels stretch for meters away :D

don't remember how long exactly, but I know it's very long, so I guessed

Player #19347724
Boi o Boi, same here

use real measuring

mick dundee
MissMuffin, nor do we all count in metres, American game so they use American measures

:(Nancy E):
Picaron Of Hillfar, you made my day.

Jerryberrykat, Im not american 😳

"feet" really?