In which year did the first of the horrific 'New Orleans massacres' take place?
Correct answer: 1866

Democrats have a terribly racist history.

quick Democrat history:
Republican party founded to abolish slavery by southern Dems
KKK militant arm of southern dems founded by dem
Andrew Johnson, Lincolns southern Dem VP successor tries to erase all Lincolns anti slavery efforts
Woodrow Wilson Dem President supports eugenics to sterilize "inferiors" (read did Margaret Sanger, Dem Planned Parenthood founder).
FDR a dem interns Japanese Americans in WW 2
George Wallace a Dem denies black entry to white colleges
so pls tell me again how Repubs have a history of racism??

nerdmom660, nothing moved, nothing switched. Republicans want less government, less interference which equates to MORE freedom. Capitalism is not evil, it is the very absence of evil - it enables freedom. Now find me a capitalist society that is evil. Can you think of a socialist country that isn't abhorrent? The abomination that was the NAZI party was SOCIALIST - it's right there in the name!

Player #3421366,
The MSM actually perpetuates the ideology that Republicans are racist, xenophobic, homophobic... however, if we can actually listen and think objectively (hear what's not being said per say), the democratic party is still very much a party of division. If we can take the time to read/listen objectively the DNC (a party that "preaches tolerance" has continually vilified Republicans, Libertarians...and any who express a differing opinion. A little caveat for argumentative sake, there are/were good Democrats (JFK, Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman, and likewise there have been racist Republicans there is one here in Tennessee (that to my knowledge has thankfully never been elected to any office). We must remember that we need to go beyond the talking points from the MSM (media) and do our own research as to what really is going on. Neither party is all right or all wrong there is or should be a consensus somewhere in the middle.

hulon05, America was founded by people searching for religious freedom. Racism and exploitation have been with us since the beginning of humanity.

If I'm not mistaken, blacks (African Americans) were largely voted Republican in a bygone era. The switch to voting Democrat was shortly after POTUS LBJ signed the Civil rights act in 1963/64. The Civil rights act was actually Republican legislation and strongly opposed by the Democrats at the time. LBJ however even though not liking the bill saw the opportunity to take credit and steal the African American voting block...A tactic that regrettably worked. If you want some interesting reading, check out some of his quotes regarding this particular piece of legislation.

Player #3144122
1866 New Orleans Massacre where Democrats killed 150 black Americans to stop them from voting. Yup wake.up. Learn History

What good is the “show exit” hint and the “flip tile”. Hint. They both seem useless to me.

Ugh. Can't answer a trivia question without everyone inserting their political agenda into the comments.

Player #3421366, that's not true. Republicans became a thing because of their want for equality for all men. no slavery. etc. that is part of the foundation of building a republican. that is why black people were Republicans. that is why Lincoln...a republican...ran for office. his goal was to end slavery. Democrats were one of the first founding parties straight out of the colonists of Britain with the revolutionary war. them and Whigs. Whigs being the main idea...Democrats had new ideas. Republicans emerged not agreeing with those.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

ohbhav, during the Great Switch...the parties flipped platforms...Geo Wallace was a Dixiecrat

Wrong is Wrong 😑 I don’t care who does it 🙁

Teslasgirl66, FYI - NA=National, ZI = Zionist not socialist.

ohbhav, To think racism runs along Party lines in the US is to ignore a large part of our history. Knowing about history is important, just as learning from it is, as well.

Ya'll, this is a trivia game. Take the fights to Facebook. No one here cares.

How ironic a hundred and forty years later a black woman and man were elected to the country's highest offices.

Politics in the United States of America has a strong and undeniably racist history - the party that can get into power by embracing justice and equality will be "anti-racist" and talk of civil rights. So it switches.
Racism is ingrained in American society; its perpetuity is masked by laws and gestures of equality, especially in politics. Attributing anti-racism to either political party is a fallacy.

Nutshell, sorry but NAZI stands for the Socialist German Workers' Party.

Player #89465907
Malithion, just don't read the comments 😀

ohbhav, because the ideologies of the parties flipped after the 1950s.

Player #3144122, your statement is factually inaccurate:
-Dredd Scott SC decision of 1857 states blacks, no matter if free or slave are not American citizens.
-13th amendment ratified December 6, 1865.
-14th amendment ratified July 9, 1868.
-15th amendment ratified February 3, 1870.
-New Orleans Massacre on July 30, 1866.
Are you saying they were massacred for a right they didn't have at the time?

Player #3144122, and learn that ideologies have changes in both parties over time.

ohbhav, look at what they're doing now. blocking our votes. not teaching Black Smerican history. segregation

LBJ may have signed the Civil rights bill but it was started by JFK. For an interesting read. try "who really killed JFK, the case against LBJ"!!
Available at amazon.

Player #14144468, There is racism in both parties. They are both corrupt. They need to go.

Wow, what an interesting piece of history. So typically of what happens when progress tries to take place

Player #47640178
ohbhav, things switched. Sticking to the political binary is your first mistake. 2 party system makes people think about things the wrong way

Player #48694034
ohbhav, it's who they are NOW

Player #46747720
Nutshell, read the history books instead of watching cnn. the truth is there if you really want it.

Cherry Carter
No there were no African Americans in 1866 they were slaves.

Player #40457913
wow, I have never heard about this...I guess February is too short a month for Black History! <wow>

Player #32922327
all they do is fight and do nothing for the tired of all of them

Teslasgirl66, Bullcrapola.