Which Florida municipality was the first city to be incorporated by all-black African American residents?
Correct answer: Eatonville

Player #5815601
Player #5294151, This country of ours was built by much slave labor. Not just African American. Think if the railroad! I appreciate the many who have sacrificed their lives to build and keep free this
awesome country of ours. But let's never forget our debt to the American Indian who was forced to sacrifice too.

Player #5099592
You don't understand the difference between after slavery and segregation that some whites also were at risk their life to sell property to a Negro and some cases land was lost because not given proper deeds to Negroes, Jim crow laws so many because of hate think that this country is theirs. This country freedoms were fought for all but many because of the color of their skin weren't given opportunities. Discrimination is another era and ingnorace . Remember slaves help build this country . I give credit Lord Jesus who really sets us free and we

Player #3845355
Player #2909943, Dear heart thank you for the thought all those who came to this country from Europe didn't/ hid the fact that they were a minority, they passed for white. Names can be changed accents lost but not ones skin. As your president says don't believe everything you read/hear about African Americans we are here and continue to live, love, be happy and raise our families survive and prosper. even without encouragement from others

Player moniluvzknowz
so cool another fun Florida fact!

sapphire 007
what about Rosewood? and Tulsa , the townsfolk (kkk) burned all of the black owned houses and businesses to the ground. nice to hear of one surviving place where people were descent.

Player #2909943
Player #5099592, your answer is sort of all over the place. Every one who has come to America to live has been discriminated against. The Poles, the Irish, the Italians, etc. etc it’s not hate but fear if someone totally different then what was known in every generation. What destroyed the black populations was the constant breaking up of the family unit. This is just a thought. I have no ideas how to help the black culture that is established now a days.

Player #5099592, I realize slavery is a horrible historical shame on our country, but few people discuss the near anhilation of the Native Americans. They are nearly voiceless and have been left a beaten people to this day. Few even try to fight for rights.

I worked in the Town of Eatonville at the Zora Neale Hurston museum, which were her hometown. It is a very quaint and quiet little town, that reminds me of Mayberry.

Player Dancing Lady
this game serves to inform and educate. such a good thing nowadays.

Player #24358685
Player #3845355, but whites don't all look the same, you should be aware of that. The French look very different from the English--so do the Irish and the Scots. My family came here because we lost our land to the English and supported the Scots insurrection. We lost, several family members were hanged by the neck until dead, others shot. So we came here. We lived as subsistence farmers in Illinois, Nebraska, then Washington. My father finally rose above subsistence when he and his fellow workers formed a new union--but not before the old union and the company joined up to try to kill him several times. Once, they tried to gouge out his eyes in front of my pregnant mother. She hit the guy in the back of the head with a brick. Some people just don't want anyone to have a chance at what they have.

you can help by paying attention and treating everyone equally


Player #107913195
Player #2909943, you have a slight altered view of history- yes the Europeans that came to America were initially discriminated against, however, when black and brown people began to prosper that when… wait for it… JIM CROW began to destroy the cities, towns, businesses, etc of poc.
Look it up!

FearsomeAlien331, there were Chinese slaves way back then, many had their tongues cut out because the slave owners could not understand the language and thought the Chinese were plotting to escape etc,

Player #24358685, wow! That’s sad , and just one of many stories about our American heritage, after all the suffering our ancestors went through, I pray for peaceful healing and acceptance of each other and each other’s beliefs, Amen

Player #5815601, Don’t compare! It’s very dismissive.

Player #35387966
So much of our history is not taught in most public schools. I had to seek out courses in college to get a clearer perspective.

Sweet, I just learned this. Awesome!

Player #29434267
A historicalfact worth knowing

Player #45221343
Zora Neall Hurston was born and raised in Eatonville. She's one of my favorite authors.

Player #5815601, I am a maitland.

SparkyChaz2018, Native Americans with Copper Skin.. Lets not try to attach other people in this. Everyone has their OWN STRUGGLE.. B1

Nate Sanders
Player #5815601, Not quite. Slave labor didn't build much at all as a matter of fact. Slave labor kept the cotton based rual economy of the south going long after it was obsolete. Millions of working class immigrants (primarily Europeans) actually built this nation. Theres a big difference between feel good sentiment like what you're pushing and then reality.

I lived in Maitland next to Eatonville

Player #5815601, Chinese and Irish were also slaves in America.

Player #25672957
It's where Zora Neal Hurston was born and raised. Her essays of growing up in Eatonville are wonderful.

Player #25934981
you said everything I wanted to say but your words moved my soul. thank you player5815601

Player #24358685, we only need look back to WW II to know of one of if not the most horrific example of genocide being committed against members of a race by others of that same race ... humanity has a long, ugly acquaintance with subjigating anyone over whom it has been able to hold dominion.

Player #22007309
Player #2909943, it's not color it's actions

Player #22007309
Player #5815601, we are native American

KL Hickman
Player #14555095, first of all not every black person is looking for a free ride. There are a lot of black people who have the determination and drive to get where they are are. So with that being said, I'm tired of hearing these stereotypes about us. And we do have pride in our culture. and if we didn't, come other races try to steal from my CULTURE??

Player mnit.by.mnit
Player 2909943 I must say, the ending of slavery in the US (in which white people enslaved free African peoples) did not end racist behavior. This includes the purposeful break up of the black family due through racist actions. But, whitewashing history also continues.

I live 20 miles North of Eatonville. no disrespect. but it's a dump!

Player #11503902
Player #5099592, True, but remember this country originally belonged to the Native Americans and they lost everything.: fertile land, their culture, lives, most of the buffalo,.....

Player #5099592, and the first slaves weren't black. read some more history.

Player #2909943, Don't forget Germans!