By what pseudonym is writer Frederic Dannay and Manfred Bennington Lee better known?
Correct answer: Ellery Queen

N00bPixie56523, I remember watching that show as a kid with my family. Toward the end of each episode, the Ellery Queen character would look at the camera and say to the audience something like "Well, I know who did it, do you?" Then we would have the commercial break to discuss our theories as to who dunnit before the answer was revealed. Great family fun!

Ellery Queen(sic) has been grossly overlooked in crime fiction and Hollywood. Hope someone wakes up and puts forward a movie based on the title charactwe.

Player #1081396
great tv show, as well

Player #73957527
catsmeow9810, Do you or someone know why my hint boxes go unhighlighted sometimes

Player #38273958
use to with my uncle and talk it over figure out who did the crime if he get "I owe

Player Gigi #28446253
So Ellery Queen was the pseudonym of the cousin's pseudonyms!