What kind of animal was the now extinct Dodo?

Correct answer: Bird

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
when i went to London, England for vacation a couple of years ago i went to the British museum and they had an exhibit of extinct animals and it was great sadness that i saw a stuffed Dodo bird a passenger pigeon and the tazmanian tiger. all of them extinct because of us. we should be ashamed that we killed these poor animals to extinction. i fear that here where i live in the south west that we will lose the anerican bison, the mustang horse and others ..just is sad.
As a mauritian i feel proud to see this question here, this mean that the dodo has not been forgoten but still alive in our memory. big thanks for the person who decide to put this question in the quiz. ☺
We should do more to protect species that are at risk of going extinct. It is very saddening to know that any kind of being is the last of it's kind and there will never be another like it again. It is so... final. I believe death itself is enough as it is. There is no need for extinction.
Player #2208522
Player #2208522
As a Mauritian from what I've learned from my grandparents was that the Dodo was a feast for the Dutch people and the portugais they ate all of them grilled on wood fire how could they say that they were discusting animals Dodos only ate fruits and dried lentils or rice any dried beans at that time they were the only people who had the right to eat them people who were living on the island were looking after them were slaves and not allowed to kill animals
From Mauritius - Sad to not have the Dodo
I to hope & pray that humans will realize the beauty of all creatures. Too see birds/animal & such become extinct is incredibly sad and 100% preventable. 😟
HarleyMidgeyMom95., and now the Japanese have started commercial whaling we can add them to the extinct list soon. It’s heartbreaking.
there are no stuffed Dodo anywhere in the World. The Natural History Museum in London England has a replica. The Great Museum of the North in Newcastle England was thought to have the only remaining specimen, but closer study proved it to be made from several different birds, and not all the pieces are genuine. Truly extinct.
I'm from Mauritius and am soo sad that our big dodo is extinct.
To bad, many cool animals have become a thing of the past. It's a real shame.
HarleyMidgeyMom95., it may have been the Horniman museum
Mr. Bachelor
Mr. Bachelor
The bird may be extinct, but the Dodo person is alive and thriving all over the planet... especially in North America and specifically in the USA. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors .
Lily x
Lily x
the Dodo bird looks funky
HarleyMidgeyMom95., Stop killing
penawareof, me too.
wow I did not know that🤔
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
1962longshot, 1936 was the last time anyone saw a tiger.Recent sightings are just wishful thinking.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Blessed, It's Life;get used to it.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
OzzysUndies, Before you start bewailing the Japs,consider that Norwegians are still allowed to hunt whales,& Australian Abos are allowed to kill & eat manatees & sea turtles.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
IceWolfKingMan, All animals are built for extinction,even us.It's just a matter of time.
HarleyMidgeyMom95., and the guy has
you are amazing👍 and your team needs some kind that can not her into consideration
I used to be afraid of this bird in a few years ago in childhood. But they’re good. It’s sad. Animals don’t have reasons to pay extinction because of us.
I am bad at spelling but I’m 9
stary girl
stary girl
GatorMama2014, you get me girly
grace ace
grace ace
now we will never see a love dodo
smart and cool
smart and cool
dodo was a nice bird
rubber duck
rubber duck
I like birds and history. it's sad that they're extinct
Smarty 🤓
Smarty 🤓
even a little child can be correct 😂💯
Eric the red
Eric the red
Joseph , So you think it's OK for humans to make species extinct?
Player #141250914
Player #141250914
wanye, we did not cause their extinction!
Player #141250914
Player #141250914
139336985, Disagree because all beautiful in their uniqueness!
My husband would always say things "went the way of the dodo" when he couldn't find them lol... 🦤
HarleyMidgeyMom95., the American bison will never go extinct. There are farms that have since started raising them and they are slowly making a come back. Although, we'll never see them in the millions which we at one time had. Yes, it is very sad that the human race has destroyed some animals to extinction.
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
Never knew the 🦤 was extinct. It's good 👍 to remember what they still looked like
I didn't know this type of birds
Indeed, thank you all for your comments there are some humans that still have care about God's world
I knew this because they called zazu the bird a dodo in the lion king the hyenas! I’m good!
emmanueludovic, same here
Morgan vythe
Morgan vythe
Big Thank to the person who put this QUESTION. As I'm from MAURITIUS am PROUD to see this QUESTION.