When was the first machine sold that could slice and wrap a loaf of bread?
Correct answer: United States in 1928

betty white is older than sliced bread 😆

kjbkjb58, I bet it bothers you that bread is mostly white too. My word, please try and see past the race issue especially when it is NOT an issue.

snazzyx2, nope, the last time I checked we are all apart of the human race.

Player #5251648
Player lilith666, Some grocery stores have bread slicing machines you can operate your self to slice bread such as French bread that doesn’t come already sliced. Love it!

I invented eating 1 loaf at a time

does race really matter

I grew up in Chillicothe and there are murals, stores, and signage dedicated to " the home of sliced bread " Haha

We would make our own bread sometimes and it certainly taste much better than commercial but it is a pain to slice

kjbkjb58, And what difference does that make? I don't care who invented it, I'm just glad they did.

Player #8754490
Jethrine321, 😂OMGoodness...race issue out of bread???

“The” Mystery Man, sliced bread. The best thing since bread was wrapped.

Pittsburgh/Florida G, there isn't a carb that I've met that I haven't fallen head over heels for. Pun intended.

“The” Mystery Man
Sliced bread: the best thing since…?

GabbytheGab6, I do.

Really people it's just was Betty's last name. Nothing more nothing less. WOW

Player #118103951
It also helped to increase waistlines! 😄

I remember back in the 60s and

Sharon Fay
Wow! I thought might have been earlier.

She was, but died on the eve of her 100th birthday.

BabiKat, I love all colors of bread, especially the swirly bread made of pumpernickle and rye!

Vickie Apel
Montana Lady, I still am in awe of how they ma#e those pyramids without modern advantages. Pretty smart to come up with how to do it but was a whole lot of back breaking work for the ones who had to do it.

Vickie Apel
Jethrine321, Exactly 💯

Jethrine321, that is such a good point I mean in America now we're having to take down important historical figure statues yet with white bread it should never have a different name. if you don't want to eat white bread well then there's rye and then oats potato and endless now with all different types of flours available.

Cindy Stewart
Widama007, I invented eating homemade, hot bread 1 loaf at a time😳

Orville Parker Gildock
that's why America is a great country. but I like home baked better.

Player #16702581
greatest thing since sliced bread .. when I was a child my mom would make a rib roast and we would sop up all the juices with good old sliced white bread. Yum!

I'm sure I was thaught of back in that erra by my greatgrand ma. lol

snazzyx2, no. we are all the human race.

Andrewski, I'm from Missouri and have been through Chillicothe. I have seen those murals.

Player #17895029
BabiKat, I was going to see if anyone had this comment. haha

Player #15351910
Wonder bread?

BabiKat, and your point is?

Player #4451215 reap
Pittsburgh/Florida G, most astute and illuminating observation. Too much carbohydrate consumption in U.S.

i work at the shop in Davenport that still makes slicer bands and are sold world wide.

Player Choppie
So is Kirk Douglas

Player #8754490
Pittsburgh/Florida G, Absolutely!
I feel better putting olive oil on mine😉

love it!!!

snazzyx2, You are hilarious.