Who is Caryn Elaine Johnson professionally known as?
Correct answer: Whoopi Goldberg

Player #1443092
Color Purple was a very intense picture to look at especially about women being abused back during those days Whoopi Goldberg really did a good job and playing that part

she has become such a hateful person since being on the View. they really need to cancel that show

she also had a recurring role as Guinan in star trek next generation

jumpin jack flash. one of my favs

EGOT good for her. I like her in films...not as a talk show host. 😳

I've always liked her and still do

She also did a great movie called Corrina Corrina with Ray Liotta...

All right, so where does "Whoopi" come from. The only one I ever heard about was the practical joke whoopi cushion which lets out a sound like a fart when you sit on it. Surely, that can't be it?

Player #4236826
TwistedZombie81425, I thought she was great on Star Trek, too.

Player #3662806
LurkingDream96, She speaks her mind, how is that any different than our president?

Player #123495549, it's still moving and he's still lying!

She has shown us who really thought she would be a positive influence in society....instead she has shown us she grew in a way to be bitter and constantly downright hateful toward other cultures..what is sad is that when I think of her...I can only see that gringed up mean face and a hateful attitude...I now keep scrolling when she shows up on feeds or post..

MetalMom59, She is a Hebrew, she may be aware..... Not a Jew.

Player #92723922
Wonderful actress. Caryn Elaine is a pretty name.

Player #123495549
Player #3662806, It's different because Whoopi tells the truth whereas the president in 2019 only spoke lies. if his mouth was moving, he was lying.

joy march016, yeah she's great. Not toxic

LurkingDream96, agree!

joy march016
Whoopi Goldberg is so liberal now that she's become toxic and is best utterly forgotten. 😃😃

Paula J
Player #127011, she was dating Ted Danson, Sam Elliot

LurkingDream96, no. They don’t need to cancel it. If you don’t like it, don’t watch. Simple.

WaldoLydeker, that's it. She got it from "whoopi cushion". As she was first a comedian, it makes sense!

Shelby Johnson,
My name is also Karen Johnson lol 😂

Player #58092313
Player #3662806,
he speaks his mind to prove he should be quiet 🤫

Player #58092313
take out the "f..." word and it's a silent movie. It's one of her best.

CyndiWig1, if you truly feel like that I'll bet you just love what's going on now – in February 2022

An she was funnier back in the day. I dig her show's an movies.

Shelby Johnson
I know this because my mother's name is Karen Johnson. She would say "I share my name with Whoppi!" lol

check your data..how many names does whoopie have

Player #Abi_gezunt
Why did she choose the name Goldberg? I always thought it didn't match with her.

I really enjoyed Fatal Beauty and Jumping Jack Flash. Just saying...

LurkingDream96, The truth often hurts especially when directed right between the eyes.

MetalMom59, my favorite movie that she starred in was "ghost". And the famous line was "...it's gas"

Player #18390045
LurkingDream96, She is just being honest m, but in the normal world she is a very wise and Kind lady and she has always been wonderful in what ever she does!

Player #26129643
She actually became famous on Broadway in a one-woman show during the early 1980s.

Player #32121752
WaldoLydeker, probably it fits her personality.

she's a great actress the color purple she was strong

Player #3662806, .. because she believes everyone is a victim... rather than a self directed entity responsible for their own happiness and destiny..

she was funny and interesting.. she is not any longer.. just mean and bitter..

I have to be careful watching Jumping Jack Flash. The scene with shredder makes me laugh so hard it hurts my stomach.