Andy Warhol designed album logos for what famous rock band?
Correct answer: Rolling Stones

I would never compare Britney spears to the rolling stones ever

Mr. Garden Variety
No mention of the Velvet Underground?!

I kept looking for the velvet underground but it wasn't an option.

Player #480482
clearly u have not been exposed to all of their great songs!!!! there music has stood the test of should explore more than what the radio plays!!!! They Rock Like No Other....

I love Andy Warhol's artwork....and, yes, The Rolling Stones!

DAdio, i would never compare

Andy Warhol was such a gifted artist icon

also looking for the "velvet underground" as a choice, I guess he didn't do one for them, or Lou Reed. Huh?!

Player #1137636
I love the art/ist questions! Though, agree w/DAdio.... the Stones have just never done it for me. Britney is far worse & technically my voice doesn't matter because I prefer obscure/undergroubd musicians.