What is the main ingredient in a traditional Swiss fondue?
Correct answer: Cheese

Player #790192
Wow. I want me some fondue.

can't get too much cheese.
Unless you watch X factor of course

TranquilScreams, fondue sets involve long fork-like scewers. nobody touches any food with their hands. and its among friends at a table...

love fondue its so good

this was all the rage in the 70s .. and still fun and tasty..

Fondue Date Night.

Player #8008224gato
Player #790192, maybe one could call them Swiss Nachos

Goetz von B.
dip the bread in kirsch first....an explosion of taste!!

JadeB19932017, it said Swiss like Swiss cheese

JadeB19932017, cheese came first then the others.

I'm from Wisconsin, we don't get cheese questions wrong

We have the Swiss to thank for several things: Fondue 🫕, chocolates 🍫; and watches ⏱️. However, the thing for which I am most grateful to the Swiss are their superior Swiss Army knives. In a word, QUALITY !

Perr Bear, lol! You literally made me laugh out loud! 😂

Excuse the Kuz
My wife and I have a fondue every New years Eve now. I would tell you more, but what goes at fondue stays at fondue...

Wow, I normally eat cheese 🧀 once/twice a week during breakfast together with egg and sandwich especially Gouda, Mozarella, etc.

My husband and I have been talking about getting one. I guess on line is the best. Which I hate buying online.

Bird, so do I,,love me some cheese

I love variety of cheese

Goetz von B., what is kirsch?

BREAKING NEWS, You must be related to my son. I think his veins have cheese instead of blood

I am half Afro-Latina (Maternal) and half
Swiss-German (Paternal) so Fondue and Raclette (The cheese AND dish) were as much a part of my life as Platanos, and
Arroz con Pollo y habichuelas.
My family are CHEESE SNOBS. Me too, so I shouldn’t single them out. In 1930’s Switzerland my Grandpa was on the Schweizerische Käseunion (Swiss Cheese Union) and what Americans call Swiss cheese… ain’t Swiss Cheese. First Ementaler cheese is what Americans may consider “Swiss” cheese because of the “eyes”. We don’t call them “holes”. Lol. Also in America it’s the wealthy class that seems to have the knowledge, and consumes ‘Swiss’ cheese.
EVERYONE in Switzerland is a cheese connoisseur. Fondue originated with the farm/peasant class, to further leftover cheeses and stale bread.
Also, we only eat fondue in Winter. Not year round. In any case I would urge you all who like cheese, to look into trying and buying “authentic” Swiss cheese. Gruyère is the most popular here. But Ementaler is what Americans would recognize as “Swiss” cheese, also Raclette, Sbrinz, and Alp cheese. There are lots of awesome cheeses. These are the ones I know you can buy in the USA. There are a bunch you can ONLY try in Switzerland. And still more that you can only try seasonally.

went to a fondue restaurant in PA. we had the whole 3 course meal. first came cheese, then the meat you cook in hot broth or oil depending in your preference, then chocolate. was soooo good

babu, the word fondue is French but it originated in Switzerland.

M Gee
I love cheese

BREAKING NEWS, shame I'm allergic to dairy

sounds yummy, better than Macca's

and I was swinging it and a swinging by it and a swinging by I'm sorry was I I was saying like that please 4D for th please forgive me senior pictures

Perr Bear
Player #790192, Why don't the have 'cheese fun-don't' for people who do not like cheese fondue?

babu, They speak French in southwestern Switzerland.

Player #17611859, My mum used to make it in winter when I was young. It does have white wine in it (but I'm not sure how much) plus Kirsch & a few other things. You have to cook it gently, a bit like white/cheese sauce. Maybe it's an aquired taste. I much prefer chocolate fondue... on it's own. Melted chocolate YUMMY!!!

found is French not Swiss

Is it just here in the Philippines or elsewhere, that typically parents give their children children's parties with chocolate fondues, where kids dip marshmallow on skewers?

Player #31595349
say cheese

Fun guy
forgot to mention you mix white wine as well into it .. a meal with good bread &a salad: thanks Dad.

BREAKING NEWS, so chips & queso, n French is fondu