What is socialist realism?
Correct answer: All the listed answers

Ignazia11, don't you think everybody knows this by now about the all of the above is the correct answer

KrispyFlamingo78325, Don't you think that there might be players new to this game?

Player #25073831
Does this sound a little familiar regarding our world today? Any thought or idea contrary to political correctness is "unintelligent" or "racist". What happened to freedom? Please pray not only for the USA, but our world.

Funny how every at question that has a "all the others" answer option, that one is right...

Player #4250921, or rather, that any system can become corrupt

FACTCHECKER, The new Democratic party for sure. Give up all your posessions and freedoms and let the government control your thoughts, speech, news and entire lives. Talk about your Russian assets.

Waiting for a question where ‘all of the others’ is NOT the correct answer.

chiichii, Yeah I did that too

that was soo borwd

Arretrea, ikr when I'm looking at the options when I see "all the options" I instantly click it and I'm always right!

Indeed. Everyone will always be sure of their answer if there is all options are correct.

me, choosing "all the listed answers" without reading any of the other answers.

Epic Gamer
for all the questions with an option for "all of the above" I've gotten it's always been that lol

Oops 😬

hardhat1234, little apology on his behalf. he was referring to players that have been here a while, and you could also take note.

Player #9442102
Ignazia11, good!

Instead of "newspeak", "newvision"?

Mr. Penguini
What a country!

Player #3366575
KrispyFlamingo78325, you still can learn something by reading it.