What was the name of Spike the bulldog's son in the cartoon "Tom and Jerry"?

Correct answer: Tyke

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player #96919
Player #96919
remembered that name from way back when I used to watch Tom and Jerry as a kid, those were the days when the best cartoons were made , not like today's rubbish
"That's my boy!"
I remember seeing Tom and Jerry cartoons as well as a number of other Warner Brother cartoons on a big big screen on a regular Saturday afternoon matinee Adventure. We had a good. In that regard anyway
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, I’m 65 and still love the original episodes. The more modern ones are nowhere near as good. Just like comics from the golden age, the artwork in Tom and Jerry is brilliant!
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Player #96919, When you was a kid!! I was overjoyed a few yrs ago my Mrs bought me the dvds. I'm 45 ha ha Y.N.W.A. JFT96