What did James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins discover?
Correct answer: DNA

They didn’t discover DNA..... they discovered the structure of DNA.

SuperPatz3000, yep, Rosalind Franklin discovered DNA

The question should be who took credit for Rosalind Franklin's discovery of DNA

no mention of Rosalind Franklin? 🤔

Player #19661111
And Rosalind Franklin???

Player #10945309
rosalin franklin. please don't forget it was her work that revealed the structure

Sonia, They didn't steal it. If fact they made a comment at the time that she should have been recignized but Noble Prize does not do postual awards

Give R. Franklin the credit she deserves !!!!!

fairydusters, DNA, then called nuclein, was discovered by Johann Friedrich Miescher in the 1860s. Franklin did a great job on the X-ray crystallography that inspired Watson and Crick's structure and would have been awarded the Nobel if she had lived.

Player #27149342 pixie
yes it was due to rosalind Franklin's interpretation of the Xrays of DNA that these men realised how it was structured!

MrMeowMeow, amazing, in this day and age that we're still writing woman out of history

1953. Practically yesterday. The world is full of brilliant scientists. The future is so bright!

Player #78546671
no they didn't! it was Rosalind Franklin

Air Air
Rosalind Franklin? Someone "manspread" on this question.

And they were still medical students when they did it!

Rosalind Franklin discovered DNA!!!

Noisey0608, live dna

Player #2512936
Roma Naclef, He was Not even ashamed of himself!

Player #2512936
Player #7106191, That IS normal in everything!

Player #7106191, don't tell me you're surprised...

Player Eldehem
A female scientist discovered DNA, but no one bothered to mention that when Nobel Prizes were being handed out

while using lysergic acid diethylamide 25

Watson was one strange chap..

Player #9442102
Player #7106191, back then women did not get credit for any kind of discovery. Even now it's still a surprise when women get credit for something.

Player #27945889
nope. it was a woman.

Player #19285886
they didn't discover DNA, they helped explain the shape

Player dlb
Roseline Franklin . not these men

ahem...Rosalind Franklin...cough, cough...

Roma Naclef
ed, or rather, if she had been credited for her contribution had Watson & co. treated her like the valued colleague she was, and simply collaborated with her. Like adults instead of frat bros.

Roma Naclef
Noisey0608, Watson bragged about breaking into her office and stealing her work in his memoirs.

CrayCrayFalcon2585, yeah men do that!

He was former student of northampton school for boys which I am currently work there .

Player #3354792
SuperPatz3000, Absolutely right!! A common mistake...

Player GayleP, Umm well err what you mean like no one discovered say The Galapagos Islands or tea?

changed the world,awesome

They literally just stole a woman's discovery and passed it off as their own!