If you ordered 'cuisses de grenouille' in a French restaurant what would you be served?
Correct answer: Frogs' legs

Player SQinfoNUTS
I wonder what happens to the rest of the Frog.

Player SQinfoNUTS, it's unspeakably cruel. Most frog's legs are imported from Asia where some places have a problem with a population explosion of frogs. So they catch them, chop off the hind quarters and leave them to die in dreadful agony. Fortunately, precisely for the way this product is harvested, the general demand for this specialised and prized delicacy is rapidly waning.

When we were first married, Safeway would have frozen frog legs on sale cheaper than chicken. They're delicious dredged in seasoned flour and fried like chicken.

When I was at a restaurant in France, I asked the waiter if he had frog's legs. "Oui Monsieur", was his reply. "In that case, please could you hop over the bar and pour me a glass of wine?"

Player #18663768
i'm french and the only time i ever saw frog's legs was in a chinese resraurant...

according to my nieghbor it's so delicious if we cook in adobo style( here in philippines)but as long I can afford to buy neat or fish I never eat that.

First time I saw them on a menu was at a roadside steakhouse in a Northern Ontario village as a child. Nearly as common as gator in New Orleans. Could also be found for sale frozen at a fishmonger in St Lawrence Market, Toronto. I thought they were quite good at the time but after 20 years of vegetarianism I'm ashamed. The method of production is as evil as foie gras and shark fin soup.

Taramaiden, What the humans do to innocent animals are beyond horrendous.

Fun guy
what is abundant or nefarious in one country can be endangered in another. cannot assume same thing All over the world.

That’s the reason us English refer to the French as Froggies

seanieG eire/kreta
Player SQinfoNUTS, cat or dog food maybe?

Player SQinfoNUTS, after ripping off the Hindi legs the frog is thrown alive into a bin. ALIVE STILL!

DominatingJock56788, very good.

I ate them in French restaurants in Quebec and St. Boniface in Canada.

Player #70553044
I've been eating them since I was a girl, we would go at night and gig them ourselves. They are very tasty I like 'em

must we eat / exploit everything???

Sgt Mad Dog
Birdiemom, I love them blackened! ❤️

Jew for Yeshua, actually it's titled "That's not funny, that's sick!" and it came out in 1977. Great cartoon!

Player #9442102
Player SQinfoNUTS, you don't want to know

Player #10644600
where do they raise all those frog legs?

Player Elf Counsel, They are Cane TOADS, not Frogs 🇦🇺 . . . .

Player Darius
Player Elf Counsel, not all frogs arr poisoness

Player Elf Counsel
Taranchalanche, They invaded us here in Australia and they are dreadful. Their poison has wiped out a lot of.our wildlife. However,. our crows manage to eat them by turning them on their backs and avoiding the poison sacks.

Dianna Bella74
trick question lol

Player SQinfoNUTS, frog fritters???

Player #3235803
Player SQinfoNUTS, the rest went into toad in the hole😂

Big Blue Narwhal, How about the giant frogs which "invaded" somewhere... oh no, I'm thinking if Cane Toads. I suppose toads are not edible. Dam, thought I had a flash of genius!

Lizzi, Oh no that is awful !

Player #2573679
Sonix and tristan

Lizzi, actually the french kill the frogs first, were not china

Becca Sue
I hope I'm never that hungry.

Player #3141879
Player #Judy, k