In which country is the volcano Krakatoa?
Correct answer: Indonesia

Jo Decoeck
And it's very active recently, i.e. Anak Krakatau. The eruption of 1883 brought 0.7 degrees global cooling, we might experience that again.

Jo Decoeck, and, I think, a huge tsunami..

So funny: when the movie came out, it was called "Krakatoa, East of Java". The volcano is on the extreme west of the island.

WaldoLydeker, To be more accurate it is slightly NorthWest of Java. Quite an ineresting area to sail through.

East of Java eg. The film

WaldoLydeker, Krakatoa is not on the Island of Java. Perhaps you mistyped " on" instead of "off", which would then be correct.

Player. Ty
I can remember the Ad for the Movie" Krakatoa East of Java" never seen it😎

Jo Decoeck, with global warming that may be a good thing.