What is the hardest substance in the human body?
Correct answer: Tooth enamel

who would've thought enamel to be harder than bone!

Bone is spongy, think of a chicken bone right after you've eaten it. It's very soft, you can gnaw on it with your teeth, snap it between your hands, and bones are pretty much hollow inside and just filled with very soft marrow since that's where your red blood cells are made.
Enamel is practically on the outside of your body and you subject it to all kinds of daily abuse... trauma, sugars, and acids (sodas, vinegar, citrus fruits, alcohol, stomach acid, etc.) you grind food with it daily for decades and yet it still holds up better than most substances on the planet would. That's why you really need to take care of it if you want to keep your teeth into your senior years.

It doesn't give me much hope considering how easy teeth rot

Player #14414293Fay
I am 82 years old and have my natural teeth All of my life,I have brushed them every night,before bed...I also use a water pick,to dislodge any stuck food particles.

I've lost several teeth now from shattered to decay issues. but not one broken or lost bone. ~~ just sayn......

Player #11996032
I should've known because when they find burn victims, they compare teeth, usually bones don't survive fires

Bee, enamel is stronger than bone. Bones crush much easier than teeth.

Player #2331803
You'd Have to be real long in the tooth and no bone head not to get this one

The Smyling Assa3in
It’s also the only substance in your body that cannot repair itself. Hence, if you chip a tooth, it will remain there until it is filled.

methadone can ruin it too.
NOT an urban myth

most people believe bone yet it's interesting how easily we get tooth decay

SnickerSutra, something doesn't add right bone is harder
their virtually sxrewing around!

Jenn Natalia
hardest? 🍆 that's NOT what she said...🍆

Jenn Natalia
SnickerSutra, everyone

Player #14414293Fay, I had all healthy strong teeth until I had a kidney transplant. The antirejection meds ruined my teeth but better to have a kidney than teeth I guess.

Toots, yep and it's an extremely hard habit to break. I started chewing gum until my tmj wouldn't let me anymore. I grind my teeth so bad at night that I've broken every mouth thing the dentist gave me now I just use what football players wear it lasts several months then I get a new one

prplgrl, so does crack

Player #14414293Fay, my mom is 80 and still has all her teeth. growing up they didn't have toothbrushes or toothpaste they broke off twigs from a certain kind of tree and chewed on them 3 times a day. she got her first toothbrush at 16. she's brushed her teeth twice a day and used dental floss since then. she goes to the dentist twice a year and has her teeth cleaned. they grew up eating vegetables and cornbread. she still eats that at least once a day.

Hence, dental records are often mandatory for the forensic sciences


dannypercival, none of the bone are exposed but teeth 🦷

KookyOrangutan5005, Me too😂

Guillermo Jr.
that is unless they ever measure the hardness of my father-in-law's head!!

Player #12013594
Queen, teeth can crush bone

I've had to have several teeth removed because they have broken. My dentist told me it's typically because of chewing ice! Guilty as charged.

Yes, it makes sense, We see teeth along with bones in fossil. Even the bones are in worse condition than bones!! thanks Quizzland

Teeth, even with enamel, rot due to direct exposure to particles (food, bacteria, and grinding that produces friction) that causes cavities and decay, while bones is covered with periosteum, muscles, ligaments, cartilages and other tissues, which gives enough protection from getting easily broken.

My teeth are slowly crumbling away due to decay, I think. I've had two removed and there are three more that need to be removed because they have huge chunks out of them

SnickerSutra, I initially thought it was nine like 🦴 femur

I thought that our teeth were the only part of our skeleton we clean...
seems the same stuff.... I thought.

Player elguapo
Alice, you may place your hand in my mouth ,and with a quick yank you get some teeth, or maybe a fingerless hand... dr lect

I just guess that buy very interesting to read about enamel

KookyOrangutan5005, Thats because bones are wet and bends. Teeth do not bend at all, they shatter because of their hardness. just sayn..
I've actually lost bone btw. sneezed out several fragments in varying sizes a year after my nose was crushed.

Player #4099940
"erupts into the mouth" ;)