Who founded the first public library in the United States?
Correct answer: Benjamin Franklin

Delta Tango
Ben Franklin, a REAL father of our country!

Mr Franklin was a very intelligent men with many different attributes he did so many different things and works as well from the printing press I learned all this a long time ago for my grandson who was only 5 when he was reading this book very interesting person

I was thinking of the Dewey Decimal System on this one.

shayla0529, never...libraries are actually quite popular and have many things to offer besides books to borrow....go check one out ๐

Player GG
Ben was innovative and intelligent. He should have been one of our presidents!

Shelby Carpenter
He was the Renaissance Man of his day. He did it all except the Presidency. Borglum should have added his mug on Rushmore.

Demelza Poldark
shayla0529, yes unfortunately...keep using libraries, much more than books and of course the glorious books :)

Dewey made it such a trick question. ๐ฃ

that guy rules, i mean im sure he was horrible, but I adore his wide array of interests!

I can't help laughing at people who say he was a president of the United States. I think it's because he's on the hundred dollar bill.

penawareof, Me too, no hard feelings still love the game, I am learning and fun, thatโs what counts.

Player #120374466
MayhemsMomma415, Why would you assume that he was horrible?

We owe a lot to Ben as well as the other โfathersโ of our country.

Amazingly smart man Ben Franklin.

Player #35435475
penawareof, me too! hahaha

Susanne Tapley
I love libraries!!*๐๐* I guess because I love books!!*๐๐*

always amazed how much Ben Franklin did

Alana Wheeler
Delta Tango, Amen

Alana Wheeler
Hate this

Player. Ty

JR. Gee
Big Ben

Jacqkats, Im in Pittsburgh and we have schools and different buildings with the name Benjamin Franklin too. interesting history around this beautiful state!

The question specifically says "In the United States."
America didn't exist in 1734.

Player #10324898
Free libraries were a rather revolutionary concept. The ruling classes of Europe were the only class wealthy enough to own books, and education was considered wasted on lower classes. Thus the Church and nobility kept knowledge a power only they had.
Gutenberg's book press loosened the stranglehold on info but not until Franklin did free books become available to commoners (not unlike the net, although I see the net as just as destructive as empowering).

Player #9914179
Delta Tango, need more men like him today.

Player #9495659
Delta Tango, Can you imagine a mind kike Franklin or Jefferson in the world of today???

Player #9495659
I love history, but I actually learned this from an episode of the Bewitched show, where Aunt Clara accidentally brings Benjamin Franklin into the shows present time. Sam shows Franklin, what his idea for a library became.

Player #9561772
Delta Tango, Enoch Pratt founded a free library. Benjamin Franklin, of course, found a way to make money doing it.

Player #ISurvived
SMARTRTHANU, your name is... um... wow.

Hi there I hope you are having a good day and enjoy the weekend hope youโre doing good bye see you soon

shayla0529, I think they will adapt their services to changing times and public needs - dont think theyll disappear. libraries are gathering places and.places to exchange information and learn, not just to loan or via paper books...

Player #5561716
what's a book or library? lol

shayla0529, maybe but I have a library card and although I don't go , i do use their online library to read books. me and my friends always went to the library. every Saturday!! I miss those times!!

Great man, had a sense of humor and loved to play practical jokes on his friends.

Player #1163548, I believe he may also have had a daughter with his wife Deborah.

Player #1163548, BF had a son out of wedlock, William, whom he raised. Unfortunately, they wound up irreparably divided because of opposing political views.

Player #5602826
The more you learn about BF the more you realize how central he was to the shaping of the colonies and their subsequent birth into the nation they are today.

Great man!