Which horse is the subject of Anna Sewell's only published novel?
Correct answer: Black Beauty

when i read this book at age 7, it taught me to have empathy for those who cannot speak for themselves, and started a lifelong pattern of love of animals. you must read this, then read jack London's books. really magic.

When I was 8yrs I stole the book from the local grocery store. My mom found it and made me return the book and confess to the owner. About a month later, it was in my Easter basket! One of my all-time favorite books.

Player #16130881
can still see the tear stains in my fav black beauty book nearly 50 years later

Great book that shows a wonderful empathy with animals. If you haven't read it, read it now .... even if you're all grown up.

I remember the tv series and theme tune st

A great book!

Player #685845
PowerfulRaven93312, tonight I hope I have the chance to read that to my granddaughter one day then

A friend of mine bought me this book for my birthday back in secondary school and I still have it 17 years on. I just love it.

I read this book when 8 years old and it was my all time favourite. This is because I was crazy about horses and would ask my Mum for a pony every week! 😅 I read that book back to front. Front to back. Must have read it a thousand times and it was brilliantly written. Never forget Anna Sewell. Shame she passed. Many many years were shed. 😥

westy2769, was she really from Norfolk? I didn't know that! awesome.

easy paesy.

Player #38049802, love you

I love that book❤

Player #38049802
silly me, that book and film was part of my childhood.

read that book and now there is a film coming out with the same name.

I grew up reading Black Beauty and also used to watch the TV version. I also have read War horse and seen the film. Animal films and books always make me cry. Anna Sewells black beauty probably lead me to love animals too.

Emma b
My all time favourite book as. A child I read it 3 or 4 times as n adult it's a book I can happily pick up and put down n never get bored

Player #20355347
I love this book, a best seller no one will forget. When I was 5 (3 years ago) was crazy about horses.

Player #4821096
PowerfulRaven93312, my school friend bought me this for my 14th birthday and I still have it 40 years on.

Good old norfolk gul

Player #3720047
Kenny, nice name

love it