In which US state is the Pentagon located?
Correct answer: Virginia
Montana Lady
Years ago, I was asked by a truck driver in Montana how much farther it was to Washington. I asked him where in Washington he was going, Tacoma, Spokane, Seattle? He told me DC.
It was the man's first job after getting his CDL and he'd come from somewhere in the Midwest US. He'd seen Washington state on the map and just assumed that's where DC would be located.
When I showed him where it actually was on the map the man freaked out. I've always wondered how that story ended.
Does anyone else realize that 9/11 happened exactly 60 years after the ground was broken for construction?
When was the last time you saw the word "metonym?"? I went scrambling to the dictionary. Hey! I like this word! And I love this quiz. I'll make an effort to use the word in conversation today so that I can remember it.
Washington, D.C. is separate from Virginia and separate from Maryland. The Pentagon is in VA. The White House is in D.C. The Naval Academy is in MD. Maybe there will be a question about how D.C. was created, bc my history peeps know that one...
Zell. I am a female
i had to think of 911 to get that right. That day was very scary to me. i prayed for all those ppl in the places in the world trade center and the other plane going to Philly
Player #870928
Player #3118287, and Washington, DC is not a state nor is it in any state, except the state of criminality
Player Highness
GOD, please bless us all
Montana Lady, a story of a truck driver who went Ontario California and he was supposed to be going to Ontario Oregon and there's also Ontario in Canada
Budsville, The real coincidence was that they chose 9-11 and probably didn't realize it was an emergency number to all Americans!
Washington, DC was a malarial swamp before our national Capitol was raised there.
Virginia is a city!
Player #120374466
Montana Lady, USA geography lessons should part of getting a CDL
Player #118103951
My dad used to work at the Pentagon and now resides in Arlington National Cemetery. His grave is in view of the Pentagon in Sec 64. I thought it was very fitting to have that lovely view.
Sad that this building is now associated with such a tragic day in American history
Wannabe Vulcan
Montana Lady, I'll bet he was late.
Centenarian, not. You mean hexagon.
Player #47990899
Budsville, probably no coincidink at allll, u hear me what I say??!!!!
Player #33080985
crazy, Pentagon broke ground 60 years prior to the attack.
Budsville, biblical!
Player #30304101
Montana Lady, that's a long way off from where he needed to be lol. A man asking for directions is funny too because a lot of them won't and my husband was one of them many years ago lol. good story
Honestly sad that about a third of people think it’s in the state of Washington
Player #28626335
Easy one for me - live 5 minutes from it. Close enough that I felt the plane hit and had the smoke for three days. Terrible smell.
RegularGeneral47480, yes, but Ontario, Canada is a whole province! The National capital, Ottawa, is in Ontario; as is Toronto. Toronto's Nick name used to be "Toronto the Good". Sadly, not so much anymore.
Player #12236673
Sasha3961, there are twice as many bathrooms in that building as usual because of segregation
Player. Ty
Biggest Office Building in the World. People use Golf Karts to get around🌝
Top 5: Global Trivia, I thought bees made hexagons and the strongest shape is the triangle.
Lady Jane M, Washington DC is a district not a state.
Budsville, I did not. thanks
Interesting fact. A pentagon is the shape of bee hives and is the strongest shape in nature
Budsville, I spotted that too. I think it's really creepy and not a coincidence
Player #9315476
it's the district of columbia
Player #5520943
Player #3118287, nope
Budsville, didn't know that thanks
Montana Lady, great story
Budsville, I did even notice! Good job!
Budsville, wow....creepy...😨