What iconic character did William Christopher play in the hit TV series 'M*A*S*H'?
Correct answer: Father Mulcahy (1st Lieut)

grew up on that show, loved it...still watch reruns!

Deb The Web Head
I did not know he passed away almost two years ago, though I knew he was old. He was a great actor!

Espie21, this show is history. the last episode was the most watch show in history. It is a great show and far from depressing. It is hilarious!

MASH IS ONE of my most favorite shows

Player #9495659
MASH did a wonderful job of balancing the horrors of war, with enough well done comedy to make the topics the show explored easy for audiences to greatly enjoy and barely be aware of the issues of the Korean war.

Chrono Neko
I thought he had really pretty eyes. They were kind also, making him more believable, imho.

I did not realize how many other roles he had. His Father Mulcahy was a sweet, much-beloved character.

Player #24358685
One of the things that I feel made it so successful was their ability to make a fun comedy in the gravest of places--a wartime field hospital--yet they knew when to throw in a moment of dead seriousness to remind the audience that there is a war going on. The greatest sitcom ever produced.

Best show ever!

Have the first and 11th seasons plus movies. who remembers the picnic

I watch Mash for 2 hours everyday

MASH was awesome! he was also on Gomer Pyle, for a bit.

I'm watching MASH right now.

He was perfect for that role. su h a great sense of humor and very belivable.I especially liked the one where he got drunk.

He was perfect for the role. Great kindly actor.

I'm watching mash right now

I saw play with William Christopher and Jamie Farr several yrs ago. It was the Odd Couple, they were fabulous!

Lady Wolf Moon
Actually, by the time the show was over he was a captain.

before the series ended he was a Captain

Lady Wolf Moon
He was a Captain by the end of the series…

he guest starrred on Hofans Heros several times different characters

My favorite M*A*S*H character...

Player #35387966
Absolutely loved the series. Some of the best television show ever. Korea is absolutely the most forgotten "war".

Lady Wolf Moon
By the end of the series Father Mulcahy was promoted to Captain. Finally. After many attempts by many people to achieve that.

He was a good actor, he will be missed.

Player #34641139
WaldoLydeker, that was a nickname. If I recall correctly, his real name was still Mulcahy in both the book and the movie.

Player #34641139
Player #24358685, it seems like almost every episode had at least one scene in the OR, a constant reminder of why these people were there.

Dr. Deb
Player #9495659, no, they made the issues of the Korean war abundantly clear!

one of the classic sitcoms of all time

Player #19472386
A great series that is still seen on TV today.

Player #14571725
he ended a captain not a first Lt

He also had a bit part in With Six You Get Eggroll, a Doris Day and Brian Keith movie. He and Jamie Farr were beatniks towards the end. Fun to watch those old movies when these guys were basically unknowns.

I'm bab at this game

I'm Frosty
dolphinmn, get off your high horse. he's entitled to his opinion...not everyone is identicle. thats what makws the world go round!

our "streets" in Taji, Iraq (Camp Cooke) were named after M*A*S*H characters. My company lived on Hawkeye Street in a former Iraqi Army Air Force prison.