Which country introduced the first mandatory driving test in the world?
Correct answer: France

Player #1489294
The way people drive anywhere today one would think the license was obtained at an amusement park.

Player #48458
Player #1489294, I agree with the last player. in my area in California people drive like maniacs and a lot of pedestrians are hurt or die from accidents.

Player Say what!?
Player #1489294, Back in the day we wondered if they got their license at Sears.

Mr K's Mummy
Player Say what!?, or possibly a 'gift' in a cereal box!

Putri MieMie
Tremain White, unfortunately not?

Tremain White
in the event of any police attended collision, it should be mandatory to retest, via a series of specifc excersises, the driver's spatial awareness and dexterity of control - one of each clearly being lacking to have caused same...

Player #48458, same in Florida and Indiana!