In which of the arts was Charlie Haden best known?

Correct answer: Music

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Eliot Garcia
Eliot Garcia
I love jazz. But I didn't know about Charlie Haden. so it's good to hear about more great jazz players.
thanks for the great info!
Brilliant player and innovator. I am thrilled to see a question about him!
I used the majority vote hint as I have never heard of hime but whaddya know we share the same birthday! Lucille Ball too. Makes me feel like I am supposed to be famous!
Player #19942154
Player #19942154
Wow we share the same birth date! It inspires me to do more! Quite a few stars and influential people I've noticed share that birth date like Lucy who was also a pioneer in the entertainment industry. Very interesting
In the picture he looks like a musician to me.... so I guessed right