Who blinded Polyphemus?
Correct answer: Odysseus

Good plan

Player #34406622
missed out the bit of how Odysseus escaped.
His men clung on to the underside of the Cyclops's sheep. when the Cyclops let them out to graze, he felt the top of each one to check for escaping sailors. Odysseus and his men ran for the boat, at which point Odysseus arrogantly shouted his own known back to shore. Poseidon was angry when Cyclops grassed him up and brought a great storm.

LSD must have rampant in ancient Greece

Till now I only knew of him as "Ulysses", not "Odysseus". One name is Latin, the other is Greek, it's still the same legendary king of Ithaca.

Player #35382456
Cookie Bean, love Greek and Roman mythology.

Player #3202338, no, not enough Greek Mythology questions!!

Cute story!