By what name is Robert Leroy Parker better known?
Correct answer: Outlaw, Butch Cassidy

Mo B. Richard, think you're misinformed. there's speculation He might not have died in Bolivia but if he did not he would have kept a low profile. He on the other hand had nothing to do with the actor who went by the name of Hop along Cassidy.

Katy can do
Gary, one of my all-time favorite movies!!

I love the movie with my all time favorite; Paul Newman & Robert Redford!!

a couple of other old western outlaws who were supposed to be dead in the 1880s according to the his-story books and Hollywood are Jesse James and Billy the Kid who both survived until the mid 1950s

Curt, --> Redford was VERY well known at that time!!! You must be a youngster.

Player #85315195
Curt, Redford was not unknown at that time.

Long live Butch & Sundance

lashtx, True, Robert Redford even appeared on The Twilight Zone years before Butch Cassidy movie.

My grandfather worked on the movie as a driver in Durango. I even have 2 pieces of the money they blew up. 😁

Curt, so untrue! Redford had acted in films for almost a decade by the time he made Burch & Sundance. Starring in many well known parts, most notably Barefoot in the Park with Jane Fonda a couple of years before this film. FYI.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Paul Newman portrayed "The Gentleman Robber" Butch Cassidy very well in "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid" (1969) - "Who are those guys"

Player #3366575
TangyEagle83984, saw artifacts from his life in an Utah museum.