Of the fashion weeks around the world, which of these cities is not considered one of the big four?
Correct answer: Madrid

Heartland Old Guy
Have to agree with Bird Brain. Most of that stuff is so outlandish it's hard to believe anyone would wear it except to a costume party.

Bird Brain 007
RegretfulHuman68, totally agree. this sort of thing is so far from reality and panders to the rich jetset who themselves are not in touch with reality. has anyone really even seen ANYONE in regular life wear the drivel that these fashion Frankensteins cough up!!!

cfmurray, I appreciate some fashion, but here at age 40, I still have and wear some clothes from my teen years; and they're still in great condition, fit well, look nice and are back in fashion!😂😂😂😉

Cha Cha
I really feel we should all be recycling our clothes now instead of buying new... the buying of new clothes and then disgarding them when they are out of fashion, is a large contributor to waste, and in turn, global warming and polluting of our beautiful beaches and oceans :((

lezere, Hardly. Many people, like me for example, feel the same way. If they didn't have some BS premise like that, people would go on wearing their same clothes until they were out, unless they had more dollars than sense.

Bird Brain 007, can say that I actually have seen some people wear such "clothing", and yes, most looked outlandish and it was basically just a way to flaunt their significant others money.

With gas prices and food prices who can afford new clothes?

Player #2667669
I am so broke I can’t even pay attention, never mind ,Change my MindSo, how could I ever buy from any of these Countries.👻

Zoolander and Cruella are great movies with fashion as backdrop for their plot.

Player #25874027
It says in the explanation, it’s the press that has decided by the coverage they give the Big Four.
I’ll be interested in seeing the development of Beirut and Dubai as centres of fashion .
You’ll get arrested if you wear a lot of this stuff in public . And how many variations can you get on a black bag?
Only joking 🙃

Player #2512936
Cha Cha, Donate to thriftshops and Red Cross!

wouldn't thank anyone for any of their outlandish tat when they get more ridiculous year on year

Player #27643412
ChampionNymph37634, Spain has beautifully made clothing, when I traveled there when I was a lot younger the clothes were well made & designed..

I'm kinda unlearned when it comes to fashion. Who decides where the so called "centers of fashion" are located. I believe Spain deserves to be represented as are France, Italy, England & the U.S. Also, Asia should be part of it as well. After all, folks everywhere should appreciate fashion design as an art form.

Player #3898385
thought it might be Alabama.

Missy K
Bird Brain 007, Do the 80s count? A LOT of clothes from 80s were crazy.