What is the scientific term for the study of bird eggs?
Correct answer: Oology

palitja, do you have any idea how many parrots were killed in the Amazon just so "scientists" could "study" them? it's awful and outrageous.

Player #25874027
I must argue with collection of wild bird eggs being considered a hobby .
Most of the time it is rightly considered a crime, and in Britain can be punished by massive fines and imprisonment

Would not have been able to get that without reading Ready Player One

Player #25874027
I thought Oology was the study of the work of Kenneth Williams.

Dianna Bella74
you certainly learn some very interesting stuff on this quiz. Stuff that you don't hear on a everyday basis. Really broadens the vo-cab.

palitja, just my very humble opinion.. but self loathing and pervasive pessimism seems like an awful way to go through life..???

Player #1376338
this is sad

little b
i dont like bird eggs

Player #25874027, 😂

I'm not really interested .

Fun guy
back then, endangered species wasn't a concept & no one believed without a specimen; no camera, video, internet or tv. fakers created creatures also, eg. Jackalope.

Yestor, me too! (good movie, great book)

Humans are awful

Yestor, I watched the film, it was good.