Beltex, Dorper and Bluefaced Leicester are breeds of which of these farm animals?

Correct answer: Sheep

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Dorper was the one that set up the answer. No idea of the others.
Sharon , There are certainly humane ways to keep animals, which is to be given plenty of space to roam. Killing them is possible to be humane. Putting them "to sleep" would be most humane as a starter, but that's not done. It's generally an electric shock, which I'm not sure about. How old an animal is isn't relevant, and in the wild, prey species may well suffer more by being predated.
Player #7106191, you shouldn't be eating any meat then, there is no truly humane way of keeping them or killing them. Though I agree with the fois gras and traditionally raised veal being cruel regardless of whether you eat other meat. You know that chickens are less than 3 mths old when we eat them eh? so the lamb thing is pointless really.
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
PoserQuarterback4376, And they reckon Australia was raised on the sheep's back.
tystyx, what's hogget?