Which US president famously had a sign on his desk saying "The Buck Stops here"?
Correct answer: Harry S. Truman

my name is Abbey I am only 9 years old I do not know most of the stuff on the game

Player #3906185
ObviousJockey4907, It's okay that you don't know the stuff. I am really glad that you play the game. it's a good way to learn and you'll be amazed at how much you can learn. then oneday you will be able to use your knowledge, in school & life and playing trivia games. Congratulations on your desire to learn!

3 months in to Truman's term after the death of FDR he was faced with the monumental decision regarding whether to drop the bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Having to decide the fate of millions of lives resting on your shoulders, makes you realize how stressful his start as President was. With the Japanese ready to defend their mainland with the ferocity they had in places like Okinawa countless American lives as well as Japanese lives truly rested in his hands. Curious whether other people agree today with his decision?

Thought I'd share...Truman had the largest comeback in the polls when he ran against Dewey for president. So much so that every single poll had predicted that Dewey won and newspapers even mistakingly printed Dewey as the front page expecting his victory! Talk about an oops...Truman's daughter also gave a performance in which all but 1 music critic gave a good review. However upon reading the review Truman wrote the music critic a rather unfriendly letter basically telling him that he better get some steaks for his eyes and that he would break his nose as well if ever they should meet! Maybe not presidential but certainly a fatherly reaction! lol

ObviousJockey4907, I was about nine when I won a state essay about Truman (in Missouri, of course). Good for you for challenging yourself to learn more. I am learning a lot too and I'm 44!

Zell. I am a female
ObviousJockey4907, I'm 63 and don't know much. But if u came this far I think your doing pretty good for yourself. your doing great sweetie

Welcome Abby. Glad to have you and hope you learn lots of good stuff.

LoopyLynda74, I agree with his decision and I also agree it had to be one of the hardest things for any human being to have to even consider.

Player akagrammy1
ObviousJockey4907, it is so nice to see a young person playing a game that is educational. Carry on. 😊

ObviousJockey4907, my name is Jessica and i am ten. I play this game with my dad and don't know 14/16ths of the correct answers.

the eepman
ObviousJockey4907, it's ok abbey! you can learn from it

LoopyLynda74, Truman was first to warn about the danger of secret agencies, corporate corruption etc.

ObviousJockey4907, when school gets to it you'll already know.

ObviousJockey4907, the knowledge you gain by playing this game you used for the rest of your life. Good luck and have fun God bless.

Abbey that’s why you go to school; all of mankind’s knowledge is at your fingertips and it is free!! No I am not a librarian!!!

Having a Prez that TAKES responsibility instead of saying “NOT my responsibility” decades later is wild

Mama Bear
ObviousJockey4907, better check in with your parents. Dangerous online for kids

Player #18063013
first time commenter. nervous. abbey,thank you it's nice to hear courage and enthusiasm. as far as Truman's decision, I think he was correct. I'm not sure but I don't think the Japanese had a word for surrender

Player #46791793
LoopyLynda74, interestingly, Nagasaki was not the primary target on the second bomb drop. the primary target was clouded over so the airplane Box 's Car was redirected to the secondary target which was Nagasaki.

of course, the one time it ISN'T Roosevelt and that's what I pick...

Player #26129643
ObviousJockey4907, you are both brave and smart to do this game--a lot of this you won't learn in school. Forget about how many you get wrong (what else is nine years old for?). The main thing for me is learning how to read the questions correctly. Most questions I get wrong are because I answered too quickly without deconstructing the question first. This skill will help with tests and exams, my future Jeopardy Champion! Good luck!

Player #18854801
A dark time in human history. Two extraordinary men rose to the occasion--Roosevelt and Trumen. They bore the overwhelming burden of their office with flying colors.

Player #5780478
ObviousJockey4907, just keep trying and read the explanations and you will learn.

He had no middle name, so he took the S as it sounded more official.

Player Quitos, did you know Truman, never took severance pay for being President? He said he wasn't working so he shouldn't get paid.

Goodman Leopardy
Shouldn't be a period after the S, as S was his middle name.

Player #21861738
When the buck gets to Trump, he pockets it and doesn't pay any taxes on it like always.

Player Quitos
Thanks to all for cheering ObviousJockey. You guys rock!

Clown Boss
@LoopyLinda74, to answer your question about the bombs, I would have proven their ferocity and asked for surrender before deploying them on civilians. Worth a try, given the stakes.

Player. Ty
Was the last greatest president this Country had!

Player #8995650
yufjy be

FYI did you know the S in his middle name did not mean anything. He wasn't given a middle name when born so he just inserted the S.
in some prints of his name there is usually no period after the S

ObviousJockey4907, This is a great way to learn stuff!

Player #9445646
ObviousJockey4907, Good Game to learn.,and enjoy.You will know the answers when it counts 😊

ObviousJockey4907, GOOD FOR YOU !!!

ObviousJockey4907, That's the problem with history. Most of it happened before you were born. Unless you are extremely old.

ObviousJockey4907, it feels good to learn though doesn't it? keep feeding your brain.

ObviousJockey4907, glad you're learning youngster, but telling strangers your name and age on public platforms is not the best idea in my opinion.