In which country was the product now known as Nestle's 'MILO' originally developed?
Correct answer: Australia

Good...finally a questions for all the Australian players!

Sounds like a version of Ovaltine

FaithfulReader, i love milo in icy cold milk and over icecream yum

Player #27643412
penawareof, it's very different to Ovaltine..

First I've heard of it myself (I'm Canadian). Will need to try it sometime if I get Down Under.

3 heaped teaspoons in a glass and then filled with cold, full cream milk. Not stirred, drink the milk and eat the milo at the bottom of the glass. My favourite - 56 now and I have been having Milo since I can remember.

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
It’s also very popular in Trinidad and Tobago

G Brown
Reminds me of the old nestle quick from the 80’s in the US.

I had never heard of Milo, but it sounds like what was called Nesquick in England. I don't know if it is still sold in England.

How is it different from Quik?

I buy a drink here, in the states called Milo, it's ice tea

Mars V
It’s available on Amazon.

penawareof, it's much better than Ovaltine, more chocolatey

Player #31753367
GlobalImpact21, NO..nothing like Nesquick . Think Bornvita/ Ovaltine ..and Yes it is still sold in England.. think this exposes Age Gap 🤣🤝

Player #33530550
Grammi6, milo is nothing like Quick. Quick is a poor man milo

Player #33530550
penawareof, only about 1000000 times better

Lanoras From Mount S
Jonesy, It is available in India too.

Xalver, It is available in Asian Grocery if you have one near your location.

Player #27643412
Xalver, you could always see if you can get it online..

Goodbye Moonmen
Xalver, it's widely available here in Canada.

Player Elf Counsel
FaithfulReader, Yes. Fields of yellow.

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
penawareof, yes it is