Which breed of dog is one of several dog breeds in the pit bull group?
Correct answer: American Staffordshire Terrier

penawareof, they are not killers! it's the owners that make them mean...I have a 3 year old and she is the most gentlest and loving dog I've ever had!

Player #162237 Alexandra
We had a Staffordshire Terrier when I was a child. Her name was Mitzy and she was my first BFF. I was 4 when she came into the family.

penawareof, do your research before you condemn an entire breed of wonderful dogs.

penawareof, so very wrong you are. They are one of the most loving and loyal, not aggressive , but protective surely.

penawareof, I grew up with one and she was a great dog. I have own two as an adult and both were good dogs. I have also been bitten by one on my face. It wasn't my dog but someone else. It was my fault I got bit as well because I didn't pay attention to the dog warning signs. The dog was doing its job by protecting its master.

littlebee82659, Pits are some of the nicest dogs on the planet! I had a neighbor who had a mostly black with a little white under her chin, Pitbull, named China. When I first met him while he was walking China (the first time I met her as well), she laid down on her back and showed me her belly, which is the most vulnerable position. She trusted me right off. I told my neighbor that his dog was a real killer!

Player #29793410
don't blame the breed, instead blame the owner cause they are great dogs.

Player #34641139
PoohBear5451, I was a vet tech for 16 years, and I always said I'd rather reach into a cage for a Pit Bull than for a Chihuahua any day.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a recognized breed of its own. The UKC was founded with the APBT.

Not killers, statistics say otherwise. Facts are facts

They have the bad habit of just snapping an ripping ur face off no matter how kindly they were brought up.

American Staffordshire Terriers are awesome. had 110 lb. brindle named Bruce, his favorite toy was a 20 lb. plastic barbell. never even growled at someone, let alone attack a human or any animal.

I miss my pit bull terrior every day . Best dog I ever had

I've owned two and they're the best dogs!

Player #66817220
TJ SISTA, cute when they're adults, too, as long as their ears aren't mutilated, er "cropped"!

Erica Rowe Tishuk
littlebee82659, I agree 100% they are loving gentle and just big babies

Player #34641139
RockNRollMama82, while most dogs spend their whole time on the vet's exam table trying to jump off and escape, my stepson's Pit Bull spent the whole time trying to roll over for a tummy rub.

Cute, when their puppies 😁.