Who was Pauline Cushman?
Correct answer: Union Spy

When will be seeing it on Netflix?

Player #3282877
I knew she was an actress but since that wasn't an answer I wasn't sure which one was right. Interesting info!

Player #2323362
ExceptionalCommand1, laudanum, which was an opiate and available to anyone at just about any apothecary.

great info

how sad 😰 many say fame is addicting

Player #26129643
Another woman with a significant role in the Civil War that I didn't know about! How was I educated?

tragic ending for one so brave

Joebananas78, Don't forget the very popular absinthe

Interesting facts!

Player SQinfoNUTS
MastrBlastrDUDE, PTSD. War is ugly.

Cap’n Patch
Player #2323362, That’s what all the doctors gave patients that had cancer or tuberculosis.

Very interesting. I did not know that drug overdose went back that far. She seem like a remarkable young lady. Just a tragedy she died from drug overdose.

Player #118103951
She should have hid those plans in her petticoats. No man would have checked those.

Player #24440973, she was a spy for the Union army, not the Confederacy.

Player #29434267
Why is this not in the school books

Emomp 0716
my real name is Pauline how interesting 🤔

ExceptionalCommand1, morphine

I read that she committed suicide by Morphine because she was in pain due to arthritis.

A spymaster taken down by drugs.

what great info!

Zell. I am a female
i remember reading that somewhere

Player #3128600
Lol I'm t

Player Sojourn #2314
ExceptionalCommand1, opium

ExceptionalCommand1, morphine, cocaine, ether, chloroform, Chloral Hydrate, chlorobutanol, sodium or potassium bromide for example