How old was Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) when he left school?
Correct answer: 12

One of my favorite Twain quotes goes " Never let your schooling get in the way of your education ". Looks like he lived by that adage.

cgsfhzf, I think it's true. My grandson was the "official" Tom Sawyer for Hannibal for a year when he was 13. Every July the town holds a festival with a contest for Tom and Becky, fence painting, you name it. The winners have to know Everything about Twain, Tom Becky and Huck.

Player #7850667
He also wrote A Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Player #7850667, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court

Player #7850667, my favorite.

Player #4047702
Thank God, he was talented!

Sam Clemen's?
's? Really?
Come on. You guys know better.

Its Keiran
This is so crazy!