In which year was the Heysel Stadium disaster in Brussels, Belgium?
Correct answer: 1985

I can't believe that the game was still played, how insensitive towards the dead and injured.

Player #1474571
kardnut, really bad call to continue a game after that tragedy that’s our world today no consequences for your actions

luckycatfay, Those degenerated barbarians were drunken still they were allowed to enter the stadium, with beers. The police and gendarmerie, did not do a lot of efforts to stop the escalating violence. I was 19 at that time. You can't forget those images . limited , sick nuisances

Player #55741825
I remember it and news coverage was bad but football hooliganism was rife back then and I didn’t agree with any of it and those that died didn’t deserve it,appalling behaviour by football fans,but why did the game continue is beyond belief!!