Whose astronomical observations finally proved the Milky Way was just one of many galaxies in the universe?

Correct answer: Edwin Hubble

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #4490179
Player #4490179
I thought of the Hubble telescope
it was a lady that did the calculations, needless to say she does not get any recognition, he was so annoyed with the men he hired being useless, he said his made could do better, when she did he hired a group of women scientists which became known as Hubble's harem, somewhat derogatory.
Mumski, with those calculations she discovered the cephid variable, yes? Leavitt did get credit for that so what's yer beef?
Fun guy
Fun guy
200 billion galaxies, we are dust in the wind, derogatory comments will wither away ...
Mumski, Don't you mean MAID
Player #50531971
Player #50531971
micron9999, jeez, does she have a telescope named after her? a Nobel prize? did all those women doing the calculations for NASA in the 50's cause the leaders to say 'hey, we should have women as astronauts'? (no, it happened decades later when women insisted) Mumski is referring to the systematic problem, which still exists today.
God didn't name the stars, mankind did. I doubt God cares what sounds we use to identify them.