How fast can an American bald eagle fly?

Correct answer: 35-43 mph

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
someone didn't do their research. eagles aren't born with white head and tail feathers they turn white as they reach maturity.
HotDamn100, right??!! I thought it was a misprint. they are awesome. I live in the Adirondack Mountains. those and every kind of big prey bird are here. falcons, owls, golden eagles. all gorgeous
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
look up them swimming... that's a sight to behold. They'll grab onto a fish or something too large to fly out with, then use their wings to pull them through the water... go to YouTube. It's AMAZING!!!
Player #3813778
Player #3813778
Do your research again. Bald eagles fledge brown or black, and the head plumage turns white at about 3 years of age.
question people:: you need more research. they are not born white headed or tailed
I live on the coast in Washington and see them a lot. I once saw one catch a fish!
confusing statement. "the adult is born with...". whatt the hey does that mean?
Player #3954369
Player #3954369
bald eagles are capable of nearly 100 mph when diving in flight...the question was accurate in it did not state what type of flight.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
SKEEMBOPBUBELAHEY, I recently learned from our raptor center that all birds that eat vertebrates are considered raptors, even crows, herons, penguins, pelicans & such... I always thought it was just the eagles, hawks, falcons, owls & condors.
I did not know this.
HotDamn100, good job "eagle eye"
they live here near the river here in Iowa and I see them every day
"El Lento"
"El Lento"
Fast. Wonder if it can do it sustainable.
Tara Tippy.
Tara Tippy.
They're so regal
If you've ever had the pleasure to see the King of the Raptors and our National Animal in flight, it had to be the fast flight speed.
DJ Quizz
DJ Quizz
KookyOrangutan5005, Love the North Country of NY❤️. My parents retired there.
ktweetybug, I often family camp at Elk Neck State park, we love watching the eagles and got a close up view of one on the beach. very exciting.
HotDamn100, Yes that's correct I live by iron gate lake many eagles are here I've been watching them for years . This question should be fixed and people should try reading a book and study nature the things on the internet are often wrong and can be dangerous. Only believe half of what you see and nothing you hear . People's chronological s are just facts about everything you would want to know .
it says adults are mainly born with white heads and tail feathers . I don't think an adult can be born !
Vonnij11, You are correct. They are using the word born in a non-typical fashion to describe how the adults look and aren't actually stating that hatchlings appear with the white heads. It's just a misunderstanding of language by people who probably don't read much 🤷
Player #21050063
Player #21050063
If you got a hard question what would you do
Player #2159883
Player #2159883
HotDamn100, actually they are hatched, not born
I still love this game!!
Samuel Elrod
Samuel Elrod
HotDamn100, you're right.
HotDamn100, good call!
Nilrad, its BIG. I live on the banks of the Mississippi River and we have a large population of nesting eagles. The trees they nest in are monstrous!
Player #33462253
Player #33462253
My Dear Mother loves the Beauty of the Bald Eagle!
The nest avgs 13ft deep, 8.2 ft wide, and 1 metric ton? How big is the tree?!
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
saw one the other day on my golf course... thrilling! from 50 yards away... he was sitting on the driving range next to the yardage marker... MUCH bigger than I had imagined! will never forget that moment..
Player #18854801
Player #18854801
Dives at 100mph, and still has control to catch prey. Amazing. Glad it's our country's mascot!
Player TBeck
Player TBeck
they can fly much faster...
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
Benjamin Franklin proposed the Wild Turkey as our 'National Bird'.....
Player #18390045
Player #18390045
Jew for Yeshua, This is an untrue statement cause most eagles or family of eagles have a territory they maintain to protect their young.
Player #18390045
Player #18390045
HotDamn100, quit knit picking we all know all baby animail and birds have a litle camo for safety ,but all adult bald eagles have the distinctive white heads!
Blue's Mom
Blue's Mom
I have a non-bald eagle question. When the game says "Double Question", how do you find the second question?
Blue's Mom
Blue's Mom
I saw many while on vacation out West! They are majestic!
Player #14121514
Player #14121514
HotDamn100, I thought so too
Player #13185157
Player #13185157
HotDamn100, was just thinking the same thing. Just saw a juvenile and it’s white portions was just beginning to turn.
PointyDormouse60089 that's so cool !
I seen a bald eagle with a wig on. you couldn't even tell it was bald. it was a nice wig