How many musicians were playing on the Titanic when it sank in 1912?
Correct answer: 8

The only thing that made me cry in the movie Titanic was the band playing until the ship was going down. I knew that part was true.

How very brave..

Player #2342698
they werw true heroes!! They went down with the ship!! so sad!!

Player #96919
Player #2342698, what a horrible way to die, all those poor souls lost to the cruel sea

Player Quitos
..and the band played on.

Player dwelsh113
Player #96919, The sea is not cruel, it is simply the sea.

Mourning Dove Thomas
Correction, they were all very Noble how very sad.

what a dreadful thing

Player Quitos, nero wasnt that cool

Mourning Dove Thomas
they were very Noble has been crying until the very end. very very sad.

Clown Boss
Facilitate by stating survival rate then asking instead how many musicians of 8 survived.

Bloody amazing. Heroes of a bygone era.

Player #2342698, they are true icons!!

Just watched the most recent "Titanic" for the umpteenth time and the movie only had 5