Which 1960s "Rat Pack" celebrity was the brother-in-law of John F. Kennedy?
Correct answer: Peter Lawford

For those wondering, Lawford was married to Patricia Kennedy (his first of four marriages).

I have a 38 by 26 picture of "The Rat Pack" standing in front of the Sands in Las Vegas in my cave. No date. Their suits show they were filming "Ocean's 11", I've seen the film a million times. Sinatra, Martin, Davis, Lawford, Bishop. Where are the other guys? Probably watching. They were just support. My favorite is Clem Harvey. He played Louis Jackson. Only made 6 movies. That's it. Disappeared off the face of the earth. IMDB has nothing on him. Not even his quote. So I look up the film, and oodles of quotes but not even Clem Harvey's: "Goddamn, what a foxhole!"

TurboWolf44, thanks, why didn't they say that in the explanation?

TurboWolf44. Thank you cuz i would've looked up Jackie o to see if she had a brother :)

TurboWolf44, thanks for that! I was yelling at the explanation for neglecting that important bit of information which gave us the reason that the answer was Peter Lawford, if you get my meaning

TurboWolf44, Thank you!

TurboWolf44, thank you, it should have been in the answer.

TurboWolf44, thank you for the info. They should have it in the description.

WaldoLydeker, Clem Harvey is real name Harry Swalts, of Tulsa.

love the Rat Pack

tinahoopraj1234, tina you just might not be as old as I am.