Where is Cornhenge?
Correct answer: Dublin, Ohio, United States

Yes I'm sure the locals would have preferred their taxes to pay for something a lot more useful!

TenseDragon91145, The British. The British saved the world from the Nazis. The USA steadfastly refused to come to Great Britain's aid in spite of being asked to. They only entered the war when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. They came late to the party but unsurprisingly took all the credit for the main course.

JezzerLX, It was commissioned by the Dublin Art Council not tax payers dollars. You people really need to do your research before posting such comments.

Player #25874027
Let them eat corn!

Player #25874027
Actually the USA supported the British to a very high level in WW2 .
That’s why we only finished paying the bill in 2006.☹️

Player #11037149
There's a cornhenge in Ipswich England, also

LaContessa, it was commissioned by the Dublin Art Council not tax payer money. Do your research first.

Player #3568631
Could of cost more if they mimiced the Incan field of corn made of gold. I believe the had golden animals too.

weird. There are people starving.

They look really cute. I would stop to enjoy them, take a selfie.