Where in the human body is the smallest muscle?
Correct answer: In the ear

I didn't know that you're had a muscle I knew it had a little bone but not a muscle..
next time I'll say hey watch my ear muscle geeze...lol

Player #7095882
I am all ears

why is it that everything in the ear is so small. but if you get an ear infection the pain is sooo big?

The anwer is correct! Do your research before you argue!

Player #9495659
Player #4249272, Your ear has both cartilage and muscle and bone, not to mention nerves. Think about it. Most areas of your body have muscle, nerves, and bone somewhere connecting to allow your body to function.

Player #13889943
the smallest muscles are the piloerector muscles that attach to each hair cell on our body. they are responsible for your hair standing straight up when we are cold, they act in thermoregulation.

Only muscle in my body that is in shape!

heard it all before 🤪

I've had this question twice now.

Shautay K.
Boy do learn something NEW everyday!!!!

Player #13889943, are you sure that nerve endings don't have muscles to react?

Player #13889943, wow, that is correct! I didn't think of that. Brilliant!

Player #13889943, that is cool and awesome

What geeze REDSQUAW

The sound goes to your ear goes to the space called ear canal and it goes to the eardrum and it goes to the three bones called malleus,incus and stapes and it goes to the green hole and the sound goes to your brain and you hear something.

Bruh maybe it’s dangerous

Player #120374466
The design and creation of this wonderful instrument was done not just for the sake of function, but for our comfort and mental emotional well-being.

Everything about This body and each one of its systems is amazing in its own way!

You learn something new everyday. I was aware the ear had a bone but not a muscle.

Actually both smallest bone and smallest muscle located in the ear

I can tell you Tinnitus stinks & hearing loss too

Roni, because it's in the head

Did you know the strongest muscle is in the cheek!!??

I said the back

So there "Is" a muscle in the ear. 🤔😕

Roni, u can research it because of presence of bony and cartilaginous labyrinth it has numerous nerve endings responsible for balance of body

Player #66817220
Player #32549118, not so much with air, once you get past the tympanic membrane (eardrum).

Player #66817220
Player #50603564, and not just the human. All species' bodies have their own intricacies.

Player #66817220
Zoey, huh? What? I can't hear you!

Player #66817220
Nat, yeah, they always stirrup this discussion.

Player #66817220
Player #9495659, not to mention blood vessels to oxygenate all those cells.

Player #66817220
Roni, I hear you!

Nat, me too same

Player #13889943, Don't we serve an awesome God!

I didn't know ears have a muscle 😂

Chie Razon
this is fun while learning. great game👍

your smallest bones are always in your ear

Ananya Shukla
By mistake I had

Player #48313968
Player #13889943, Each hair follicle (in the hairy parts of the skin) is attached to a muscle, the arrector pili
Not the other way around

Quiz Queen
Ears who doesn't know that!👂🏿