What country did Judo originate in?
Correct answer: Japan
Aikido is a more ancient form of jiujitsu
Judo is sport, Jujitsu is the art of self defense. That's what I was taught when I was 10 years old in Judo class.
Bjach, judo is only self defense, jujitsu is offense also.
Fun guy
judo has no strikes, no such thing as a judo chop; that is karate.
Player #109412328, my answer was wrong
KitKat gamer
i am orange 🧡 belt in judo 🥋
Player #109412328
My answer was wrong
Gary, sorry to tell you that your information is wrong. Aikido came after Judo and therefore not ancient than Jujitsu. Judo came from Jujitsu style and that is the reason why it is called (Judo) as the gentle way.
when my daughter was ten I gave her lessons in judo. I think I learned more than she did . I wanted her to be able to protect herself.
I thought judo was from china
aata maji satakali
It's kind of like karate.
Diamond ice hashira 🎐
IndigoBlaster235, you are right
cute queen 👑
ok i think it's Vietnam
why do I see bjach in every comment section
i am a brown belt in judo ☺
I've Learnt Judo,but i advanced to Siado,which basically means the power of reflexive energy . There are only 3 belts in this discipline. Very hard ,but very rewarding.
Judo, The Art of hitting a person with a Planet.
Player #2283984
penawareof, l
I've had this one b 4 n got it rong but this time round I got it rite yay